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Frontier Billing Feed Connectivity Form

Wholesale customers requiring billing feeds such as Billing Data Tape, Data Usage Files or Meet Point Billing must complete the Billing Feed Connectivity Form below. Questions related to completing the Billing Feed Connectivity Form should be directed to the Data Transmissions Support Team via email: [email protected].

*Denotes Required Field

Requestor Information

Wholesale Customer Information

Type of Feeds Required*:

Technical Contact

Third Party Vendor Contact Information

Connection Information (Required)


Password: Please don’t provide, we will be in contact

Port : 1364

If using your SFTP or FTP server:

Password: Please don’t provide, we will be in contact

NOTE: To pick up files from your SFTP or FTP site, we require read/write privileges to ensure that we never pick up the same file more than once (we will delete it after pickup).

Customer Information Required for SFTP, NDM, or FTP

Server's Operating System

Files and Frequency

Encryption (required if standard FTP is selected)

(If sent to Frontier please provide key file)

CABS Access BDT Outbound File Names & Directories

Frontier Default: BDT.<3 Digit Co Abbr>.<4 Digit OCN>.<2 Digit Billing Cycle #>.<yyyymmdd.hhmmss>

Local Billing BDT Outbound File Names & Directories

Frontier Default: <3 Digit Co Abbr>.BDT.<Acct Type (J,N,Q,T,U)>.<2 Digit environment>.<2 Digit Billing Cycle #>.<2 Digit sequence #>.<yyyymmdd.hhmmss>

DUF Outbound File Names & Directories

Frontier Default: <2 Digit ACNA>.<2 Digit state>.<rduf,unepacc,unepduf>.<yyyymmdd.hhmmss>

MPB Inbound File Names & Directories

Frontier Default: MPB<4 Digit OCN><3 Digit Co Abbr>.<yyyymmdd.hhmmss>

Special Instructions / Comments: