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Directory Reference

Yes. The Publication Schedule is available from the Directory Services page.
Yes. The Publication Schedule is available from the Directory Services page.
NPA NXX is the first six digits of a ten-digit telephone number.

The Exchange Lookup Tool is available to assist with identifying our Local Service Territories, Tariffs and industry codes by NPA NXX.

The Directory Scoping Sheet provides a list of NPA NXXs and which Frontier directory they are appearing in. The sheet is available from the Directory Services page.
The Publication Schedule provides the name of each Frontier directory, the book number, book close date, publication date and the name of the publisher. This information will help to determine when listings need to be installed or corrected for inclusion in the upcoming publication. The schedule is available from the Directory Services page.
Directory references and job aids are available from the Directory Services page.
Information on Listing Verifications Reports is available from the Directory Services page.
For references to assist with processing directory orders, please visit the Directory Services page.
Please refer to the Voice/UNE Services Contacts page.
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Directory VFO Order

Virtual Front Office - Local Module

LSR Order Samples for Directory Listing requests are available from the Directory Services page.
Please refer to the Change Existing Standalone Listing Order Sample.
Please refer to the Disconnect Existing Additional Standalone Listing Order Sample.
Refer to the Establish New Standalone Caption Order Sample.
Refer to the Establish New Standalone Sub Caption Order Sample.
Refer to the Establish Standalone Caption Indent Listing Order Sample.
Refer to the Migrate Standalone Listing Account As-Is Order Sample.
For references to assist with processing directory orders, please visit the Directory Services page.
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