The Frontier Wholesale Billing Claims and Collections Center addresses customer inquiries and claims for wholesale accounts. For retail inquiries and claims, please follow the process described on your bill or by your account team when applicable.
Frontier has established a procedure for claim submission when a wholesale customer believes, after its own investigation, that billing is inaccurate. This procedure is outlined in this Billing Claim and Escalation Guide (Guide). To avoid delay and help ensure an efficient process, follow this procedure, including promptly providing complete and accurate detail in support of a claim.
If, after investigation, Frontier finds a claim is valid and management approves a credit, Frontier will apply a credit to the customer’s bill.
To submit a claim, use the Frontier Wholesale Claims Tracking System (CTS) web portal. Fully populate the CTS template for wholesale claims. Please refer to the next section regarding how to submit a claim.
If the CTS web portal is unavailable or the customer is unable to submit claims via that portal, submit claims by both correctly completing the Frontier Claims Template (in a manner consistent with the procedure outlined in the next section) and emailing the completed spreadsheet to [email protected]
Customers must properly submit a complete and accurate claim for Frontier to process it. A complete claim includes both identifying data and explanatory information.
Identifying Data. Certain information is required to locate and track a claim. Generally, identifying information can be found on the Customer Service Record (CSR) and other information provided with the bill. Required identifying information includes:
*Claim type codes are provided via the CTS template.
Explanatory Information. The customer must provide a sufficiently detailed and accurate verbal description of the claim to allow Frontier to research and respond to the claim. The customer also must attach supporting documentation needed to facilitate resolution of the claim.
✔Claim Description: Provide a full written description of the nature of the claim (e.g., not simply that a bill is allegedly inaccurate but also what specifically about the bill is reportedly inaccurate). For taxes, fees, and surcharges, specify which tax, fee, or surcharge is disputed.
✔Supporting Documentation: Attach documentation such as emails or other correspondence (e.g., with sales team or account management), a tax-exempt certificate, etc., when customer relies on such documentation for its position.
The examples of adequate claim descriptions provided below assume that all identifying information (see above) has also been provided. Numbers and addresses are hypothetical.
INADEQUATE: Mileage is inaccurate.
INADEQUATE: Why is mileage being billed?
ADEQUATE: Mileage billed on a facility/circuit 11.AAAA.11111….BBBB. CCCCC CCCCC11111 CCCCC111111 – Disputing the mileage quantity and BIP applied to the given circuit under OCN 2222. Circuit was ordered under PON DDDDD111111 to be cross connected at ACTL EEEEEEEE, where it then travels to Vendor’s end user serving wire center, FFFFFFFF. The billable route between EEEEEEEE – FFFFFFFF is 12 miles with Vendor entitled to a 67% BIP per FCC#5, section 5. Vendor has billed this circuit for a mileage quantity of 29 miles and a 47% BIP. A copy of applicable language from FCC#5, section 5 is attached.
INADEQUATE: Need to be refunded
INADEQUATE: Rate is wrong per contract
ADEQUATE: Disputing billed amount versus contract rate for EEEEE-11VLXP111111GTES PON 222222222222222. Bill date of 04/15/2020. ASR sent date of 04/15/2020. Circuit was ordered on Titan PNUM FB1B11111, and the circuit address is Titan eligible at XXXX Customer Location Lane, Tampa FL 99999. The pertinent pricing per Exhibit 1 of PNUM FB1B11111 (attached) is $150. Frontier confirmed our understanding of the application of the rate in email dated XX/XX/20XX (copy of email also attached). Please issue credit of $100.
INADEQUATE: Circuit 11AAAA123456FTNC was down. Please provide credit.
ADEQUATE Service assurance/outage credit not applied – HHHHH – 11AAAA123456FTNC – Requesting Credit for Service Outage. Circuit was down for 9.25 hours on Frontier trouble ticket ID: 3333333. Closed out on 04/29/20XX. Please apply credit per FCC #5 (section attached).
Claims will be received Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, excluding Frontier Holidays. Billing claims received outside these business hours shall be considered received at 7:00 a.m. Eastern Time on the following business day.
For Frontier Holidays, please refer to the current year Holiday Schedule available from the Hours of Operations page.
Check the applicable contract or tariff for time limits for submitting a dispute. When the time limit to submit a dispute has expired, claims will not be accepted by Frontier and payment is due for the invoiced amount.
The acknowledgment will have an email subject line such as:
The acknowledgment email will generally include:
If insufficient information is received from customer (e.g., the claim description is inadequate), the claim may be rejected (via email).
Additional information may also be required later, during investigation of the claim. Customers may help avoid delay by providing thorough, detailed claim information in their initial claim submission.
Although Frontier will advise customer of known missing information, customer remains responsible for providing complete and accurate information in submitted claims, rebuttals, and escalations.
If the CTS web portal is unavailable or the customer is unable to submit rebuttals via that portal, submit a rebuttal via email to [email protected]. When submitting a rebuttal:
Frontier will acknowledge receipt of customer’s rebuttal via email and will research new information provided as part of the rebuttal. Frontier will provide a letter via email informing the wholesale customer of the results of Frontier’s research, including whether, after rebuttal, the claim remains denied or is honored and, if honored, the amount of any credit that will be applied to the bill, after management approval (“Rebuttal Resolution Letter”).
If the supervisor is unable to resolve the claim to the customer’s satisfaction within an agreed upon timeframe, the customer may initiate an escalation to the Frontier manager. If the manager denies the claim and the customer disagrees or the commitment time is unacceptable, the customer may escalate to the Frontier director. Please refer to the following chart for contact information for managers and the director.
Claims Escalation Contacts Managers |
Boyd, Velita | [email protected] |
Hale, Kim | [email protected] |
Peacock, Traci | [email protected] |
Claims Escalation Contacts Director |
Gannon, John | [email protected] |
If the wholesale customer does not have an assigned wholesale claims and collections representative, please contact Frontier by email [email protected] or call the Wholesale Billing Claims and Collections Center using the toll-free number: 844-216-6420.