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Wholesale Terms

Yes. Frontier has partnered with two companies, MasterStream and Connectbase, to allow our customers the convenience of obtaining their own specific pricing for both EPATH and EIA Ethernet products.

With MasterStream we’ve implemented the Frontier-MasterStream Portal which allows customers to request instant quotes for Ethernet and Broadband services. For information about the Frontier-MasterStream Portal, please visit the MasterStream page.

With Connectbase (formally Connect2Fiber), we’ve added our network routes, serviceable buildings, and pricing when requested. For information about the options with Connectbase, please visit the Connectbase page.
Access Carrier (or Customer) Name Abbreviation (ACNA) is a three-digit code assigned to each Interexchange Carrier.
Access Carrier Termination Location (ACTL) identifies the Access Carrier (AC) InterLATA facility terminal location. It is denoted by a Common Language Location Identification (CLLI) code.
Access Service Coordination-Exchange Company (ASC-EC) is the Interexchange Carrier Service Code (ICSC) code of the Access Services Coordination Exchange Company whenever an access service passes through more than one Access Provider's territory.
Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) are the industry guidelines for issuing Access Service Requests (ASRs) as determined by the ATIS Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF).
Access Service Request (ASR) is a request form populated as required by Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) and ASR Custom Business Rules to order Switched or Special Access services.
Associated UNI/ENNI Terminations (AUNT) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies the UREF termination point associated with the physical port being requested on the Access Service Request (ASR). Valid Entry = A
Frontier's Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is available to view online at: https://frontier.com/~/media/corporate/policies/aup-commercial.
Billing Account Number (BAN) is the primary telephone number of an account used for billing.
Basic is the level of Ethernet Class of Service (CoS) with no bandwidth or performance guarantees and no Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Basic can also be described as the first traffic within our network to be discarded should there be congestion and higher priority traffic along the same path.
Bandwidth (BDW) identifies the average rate in bits per second of ingress service frames up to which the network delivers service frames and meets the performance objectives defined by the Level of Service Name (LOS) service attribute.
Business Rules are a combination of industry standard and Frontier custom rules enforcing the parameters of the forms and fields required when submitting a request for services. To view Access Custom Business Rules, please visit the Access References page. To view Local Business Rules, please visit the Local Services Business Rules page.
Carrier Access Billing System (CABS) is the backend system housing billing statements with customer service records for access services and/or designed local services.

The Exchange Lookup Tool is available to assist with identifying our CABS company numbers.

Carrier Access Billing System Billing Output Specifications Billing Data Tape (CABS BOS BDT) is an industry standard bill media format that provides machine readable billing data to our wholesale customers delivered electronically, for both local and access billing.
Company Code (CC) is a four-character code that identifies a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) or Reseller.
Customer Carrier Name Abbreviation (CCNA) is a three-character code identifying the common language IAC code for customers submitting Access Service Request (ASR) or Local Service Request (LSR) transactions.
Customer Edge Virtual Local Area Network (CE-VLAN) is an identifier derivable from the content of a service frame. It allows the service frame to be associated with an Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC) at the User Network Interface (UNI).
Connecting Facility Assignment (CFA) is the Channel or Frame of a hi-cap facility.
Carrier Identification Code (CIC) is the three- or four-digit number used with Feature Groups B and D to access a particular interexchange carrier's switched services via a local exchange line.
Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) is any company or person authorized to provide local exchange services in competition with an Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC).
Common Language Location Identification (CLLI) is a unique 11-character code that identifies a wire center.
CNR refers to a Clarification/Notification Request (C/NR) sent in response to an issue or question on an Access Service Request (ASR).
COI stands for Certificate of Insurance.
Customer Service Record (CSR) is a record containing customer specific information on end user's account.
CTF or CTF Acquired refers to the California, Texas and Florida properties acquired in 2016.
Customer Wholesale Portal (CWP) provides CLECs with the ability to access their wholesale reports. More information is available from the Systems and Online Tools menu.
The Design Layout Record (DLR) provides the detailed design path of a completed circuit, including all equipment and network components from one end (often referred as A-Loc or A-end) of the circuit to the other (Z-Loc or Z-end).
DPI is Frontier’s provisioning and billing system for local services.
E-Bonding or Electronic bonding is available to Wholesale customers providing the ability to submit service requests in a business-to-business mode. For more information, please visit the Connectivity and E-Bonding page.
Early Date Acceptance (EDA) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that indicates that the customer agrees to accept a due date earlier than the desired due date requested, if the provider can accommodate an earlier date.
Egress is a term that refers to the transmission of service frames from the provider’s network towards the port.
External Network to Network Interface (ENNI) is a reference point representing the boundary between two Operator Metro Ethernet Networks (MENs) that are operated as separate administrative domains.
E-Path is an Ethernet Virtual Private Line product offering that offers a single NNI to aggregate multiple UNIs from any location, in any LATA, within Frontier’s 25-state footprint. E-Path allows Ethernet QoS Enabled Wire Center within specific exchange levels (Silver, Gold, and Platinum) and traffic prioritization levels (Basic, Priority Data, and Real Time).
Ethernet is a system for connecting a number of computer systems to form a local area network with protocols to control the passing of information and to avoid simultaneous transmission by two or more systems.
Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC) is an association of two or more User Network Interfaces (UNI) that limits the exchange of Service Frames to those UNIs.
Ethernet Virtual Connection Customer Circuit Reference (EVCCKR) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies the circuit number used by the customer for their EVC.
Ethernet Virtual Connection Identifier (EVCID) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies the provider assigned Ethernet virtual connection identifier.
EVC Meet Point ID (EVCMPID) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that specifies the physical facility ID interconnecting the two service providers in an EVC meet point configuration.
Ethernet Virtual Connection Reference Number (EVCNUM) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies a unique number associated with the Ethernet Virtual Connection
Ethernet Virtual Connection Switch Point (EVCSP) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies the Ethernet switching point, in Common Language Location Identification (CLLI) code format, at the UNI/ENNI termination.
Firm Order Confirmation (FOC) is the confirmation response to an Access Service Request (ASR) or Local Service Request (LSR) transaction.
FOT or Fiber Optic Termination is the connection of fiber or wire to a device, such as a wall outlet or equipment, which allows for connecting the cable to other cables or devices.
Grooming is the re-termination of a lower capacity service from one channel to another channel. It can be the same Connecting Facility Assignment (CFA) or another CFA in the same serving wire center where the higher capacity service is multiplexed.
Hunting is an optional feature available on two or more access lines. Hunting lines are arranged to allow incoming calls to overflow to an available line.
ICA refers to an Interconnection Agreement.
The Interexchange Carrier Service Code (ICSC) identifies the provider service center designated to handle negotiating, provisioning and billing inquiries for access services.

The Exchange Lookup Tool is available to assist with identifying industry codes.

Ingress refers to the transmission of service frames from the port to the provider’s network.
Interexchange Carrier (IXC) is a telecommunications service provider authorized by the FCC to provide interstate long-distance communications services between the Local Access and Transport Area (LATA) and authorized by the State to provide long distance communications services.
Jeopardy is a condition indicating that the committed due date for a service order is at risk of being missed.
Local Access and Transport Area (LATA) is a geographic area within a telephone company's franchised territory that has been established in accordance with the Modification of Final Judgment (MFJ) for the purpose of defining the area a telephone company may offer services.

The Exchange Lookup Tool is available to assist with identifying LATA in our service areas.

Late Bonding is a process whereby a Carrier can create an electronic trouble ticket for a telephone number or Circuit ID after manually reporting the same trouble to Frontier’s repair center. The electronic trouble ticket is then bonded to the manually created trouble ticket providing electronic status tracking.
Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) is a telephone company that carries local calls. In most exchanges the LEC is a Bell operating company, though hundreds of independent telephone companies are also LECs. State Public Service Commission regulates the monopoly services of LECs.
LERG (Local Exchange Routing Guide) is a database managed by iconectiv which provides information regarding owned NPA-NXX at the block level. The LERG is updated monthly and highlights the call routing activity that occurs over the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) by service providers.
Local Services refers to a service that connects a subscriber to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).
Loop Conditioning, or circuit conditioning, is the modification of the characteristics of a transmission line through the installation or removal of signal shaping components (such as adding/removing load coils). Loop conditioning may be used to better match a transmission line to all of the components of a transmission signal (such as matching attenuation limits for low frequency and high frequency signals).
Level of Service Name (LOS) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies a name for a provider defined level of service performance associated with the Ethernet product offering
Level of Service Activity Indicator (LOSACT) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies the activity for the level of service at this UNI termination occurrence. Valid Entries: C = Change; D = Disconnect; K = Cancel (not permitted on initial ASR); N = New
Level of Service Reference Number (LREF) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies the reference number associated to the level of service mapping configuration being requested.
Local Service Request (LSR) is a request form populated as required by the current version of LSR Business Rules to order local services.
Local Transport (LTP) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies the switched access local transport elements
MasterStream is a portal allowing customers to request instant price quotes for eligible services.
Meet Point is when two or more Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) provides one service to a carrier.
Airline miles between two points of a circuit.
Mobile Telephone Switching Office (MTSO) is the Switching Office that houses the field monitoring and relay stations for switching calls between the cellular and wire-based (land line) central office. It monitors all cellular calls, tracks the location of all cellular-equipped vehicles traveling in the system, arranges handoffs, tracks billing information, etc.
Multiplexing Location (MUXLOC) identifies the Common Language Location Identification (CLLI) Code of the provider central office which provides multiplexing for a service riding a high-capacity service
Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) is an interface that specifies signaling and management functions between two networks.
Number of UNI/ENNI Terminations (NUT) is an ASOG field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that reflects the number of UNI/ENNI termination occurrences being affected by the service request.
OCN or Operating Company Number is a four-character code assigned by the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) to any telecommunications provider. Specifically used to identify CLEC and Reseller usage data.

The Exchange Lookup Tool is available to assist with identifying OCNs in our service areas.

OEC_PNUM refers to the Other Exchange Phone Company’s forbearance contract number or promotion number.
ONT or Optical Network Terminal is a device that connects fiber optics cables to other wiring such as Ethernet and phone lines by converting the signal from optical to electrical and vice versa.
Percentage of Interstate Usage (PIU) is an ASOG field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies the expected Interstate Usage for the access service on the request. Both Interstate and Intrastate may be ordered on a single ASR by specifying the applicable percent of Interstate usage however, two ASRs may be related to one another though the RPON (Related Purchase Order Number).
Percentage of Local Usage (PLU) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies the percent of local usage associated with trunk groups carrying local traffic between a Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) and a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC).
Promotion or Program Number (PNUM) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies a specific contract (i.e., the contract identification number) pursuant to which a Service is ordered.
Point of Interface (POI) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that denotes the physical interface between the LATA access and the InterLATA functions.
A unique code that identifies a network node so the SS7 network is able to route calls properly.
Point of Interconnection on Frontier's Network.
Public Safety Answering Points.
The Provider Test Acceptance (PTA) process is an email script that a carrier will receive once Frontier has completed all the required testing on an eligible special access circuit.
This is the global collection of interconnects originally designed to support circuit-switched voice communication. It provides traditional Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) to residences and many other establishments.
Networking protocol associated with IEEE 802.1ad specifying the need for Stacked Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs). It allows the customer to specify that multiple VLAN headers will be inserted into a single frame and allows customers to run their own VLANs within a Service Providers VLAN structure allowing them to separate out various customers within their network.
Physical location of another Network Provider's switch or transmission equipment within the Local Exchange Carrier (LEC’s) Central Office.
A version of an Access Service Request (ASR) or Local Service Request (LSR) transaction, returned to the requestor, that contains errors or is missing information.
Root/Leaf (R/L) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that indicates that the UNI is either a root or a leaf in a rooted multipoint EVC. At least one User Network Interface (UNI) must be designated as a Root. More than one Root is allowed per EVC. Valid entries: L = Leaf UNI; R = Root UNI.
Related UNI Identifier (RUID) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies the provider’s related circuit ID for a User Network Interface (UNI) or External Network to Network Interface (ENNI) against which the Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC) activity is requested.
Secondary Location (SECLOC) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies the AP end office provisioning the requested switched access service. Denoted by a Common Language Location Identification (CLLI)code.
Service and Product Enhancement Code (SPEC) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies a specific product or service offering.
Service Provider Identification Number (SPID) identifies the telephone company who owns the telephone number.

The Exchange Lookup Tool is available to assist with identifying SPIDs in our service areas.

Special Access to Unbundled Network Element (SPUNE) refers to the conversion of a special access service to an unbundled network element.
Standalone Wholesale Broadband is a broadband service that does not require a voice line to be installed and is installed as a dry loop service.
The highest level of billing hierarchy is the Summary Master Billing Account Number (SMB). A unique SMB number is assigned for each product or service category per tariff. Individual, single and multiline end-user accounts of that product and within that tariff are tied to the unique SMB. The monthly billing is issued using the Summary Master BAN as the primary account number.
Service Virtual Local Area Network Activity (S-VACT) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies the activity requested for the S-VLAN. Valid Entries: N = New; D = Disconnect; E = Retain Existing.
Serving Wire Center (SWC) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that denotes the AP building/location which would normally provide dial tone to a specific address.
Services provided over the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).
Switched Access to Unbundled Network Element (SWUNE) refers to the conversion of a switched access service to an unbundled network element.
A tagged Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) is traditionally associated with an inter switch link. Customers can send their own VLAN naming convention in order to tell Frontier's Switch (via an 802.1Q tag) that they want that particular frame to be associated with a specific VLAN within their network.
A tariff outlines the terms and conditions of providing telecommunications service to the public including rates, fees, and charges.

The Exchange Lookup Tool is available to assist with identifying our Tariffs and industry codes.

Acquired West Virginia Service Territory refers to the properties in West Virginia that Frontier acquired in 2010. For more information, please visit the Acquired West Virginia Local Service Specific Information page.

The Exchange Lookup Tool is available to assist with identifying our Local Service Territories, Tariffs and industry codes.

Connecticut Service Territory refers to the SNET properties in Connecticut that Frontier acquired in 2014. For more information, please visit the Connecticut Local Service Specific Information page.

The Exchange Lookup Tool is available to assist with identifying our Local Service Territories, Tariffs and industry codes.

Frontier 13 Service Territory refers to the former GTE (Verizon West) properties that Frontier acquired in 2010 (AZ, CA, IL, IN, MI, NV, NC, OH, SC, WI) and in 2016 (CA, TX, FL).

The Exchange Lookup Tool is available to assist with identifying our Local Service Territories, Tariffs and industry codes.

Legacy Service Territory refers to the former Citizens properties and all Frontier properties in service prior 2010.

The Exchange Lookup Tool is available to assist with identifying our Local Service Territories, Tariffs and industry codes.

Transparent LAN Service.
Frontier's Trouble Administration allows Trouble Tickets to be entered directly into Frontier's Virtual Front Office (VFO) application or sent electronically to Frontier's Gateway.
The Telecommunication Service Priority (TSP) System is designed to monitor National Security and Emergency Preparedness (NS/EP) Telecommunications services. NS/EP services are defined as telecommunications services that have been designated as critical to the maintenance of a state of readiness or the response to and management of any event or crisis that causes or could cause injury or harm to the population, cause damage, or loss to property, or threaten the security of the United States.
User Network Interface (UNI) Activity Indicator (UACT) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies the activity that is taking place at this UNI/ENNI termination point. Valid Entries: C = Change; D = Disconnect; K = Cancel (not valid on initial ASR); N = New; R = Records.
User Network Interface (UNI) is a demarcation point between the responsibility of the service provider and the responsibility of the subscriber.
Untagged is traditionally associated with a host port and would not require any additional tagging to be associated with Ethernet frames. Therefore, they will allow Frontier to assign our traditional Service Provider tags to move their Ethernet frames across the network.
User Network Interface (UNI) Reference Number (UREF) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies the reference number associated to the User Network Interface (UNI) port or External Network to Network Interface (ENNI) termination point to which Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC) mapping requirements will be applied.
Customer Edge Virtual Local Area Network Activity Indicator (VACT) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that identifies the activity requested for the CE-VLAN. Valid Entries: N = New; D = Disconnect; E = Retain Existing
Virtual Front Office (VFO) is a gateway between service/network providers that allows the ordering of local and access service requests and trouble ticket reporting with local exchange carriers.
VFO-TA refers to the Trouble Administration (TA) module of the Virtual Front Office.
Variable Term Agreement (VTA) is an Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG) field on the Access Service Request (ASR) that allows the customer to provide Frontier with the length of a billing contract for a specific service. For more information, please visit the Access References page.
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