Welcome to our Wholesale Help Center where doing business with us is made simpler.


Wholesale customers that have access to (and use their CPQ quoting module in) Connectbase may complete and submit the Frontier-Connectbase Registration Form to request access to Frontier products and pricing.

To request access to the Frontier-Connectbase Serviceability Portal, please complete and submit the Frontier-Connectbase Registration Form available online from the Connectbase page of the Frontier Wholesale Operations Website.

Frontier-Connectbase has a Serviceability Portal which allows a user to quickly validate Frontier building serviceability. Pricing may be viewed however, please note that quoting is not included within the Serviceability Portal.

Customer-specific EIA and EPATH pricing is available for viewing in the Frontier-Connectbase Portal. Broadband pricing is not available for viewing.

In the Frontier-Connectbase tool, Frontier shares both Ethernet and Broadband Services as appropriate, including WABB, EIA and EPATH.

If a user is experiencing system issues with the Frontier-Connectbase Portal, they should notify Frontier of the issue via email to [email protected].

Customer Wholesale Portal (CWP)

Open a browser and go to address https://cwp.frontier.com/Wholesale/reports/login/

Once the report file is saved locally, you may unzip the file. The user will be prompted to enter a password. This password is provided in the welcome email sent to confirm your CWP registration, as well as page 16 of the CWP user guide. Once the password is successfully entered, the report will be viewable.

Before users of the Customer Wholesale Portal (CWP) can apply for a User ID and password, your company must establish a Super User (SU). The SU will be responsible for approving requests for User Ids and passwords, changing / updating / deleting user record data for each CWP application. A CLEC can have multiple users apply for access to the CWP.

The CSR files that contain 10,000 lines or more, will be available on the CWP for 3 business days and are downloaded within an hour of the request..

User-status can only view and download reports. A Super User is reponsible for approving requests for User IDs and passwords, changing / updating / deleting user record data for each CWP application, as well as viewing and downloading reports.

The following CLEC reports will be available through the Customer Wholesale Portal (CWP):
Bulk Loop Qualification Extract
Carrier to Carrier Reports
Customer Service Records over 10K Listing
Provider Notification Report (Formerly known as Line Loss Report)

Customers will be notified via email when your User status has been approved. At this time, you will receive your User ID as well as access to the Administrator Guide.

Provider Notification (Line Loss reports) can be viewed in our Customer Wholesale Portal (CWP).

For report failures, registration inquiries (new or existing), or profile maintenance, please send an email to [email protected].


Frontier will offer the ability to request quotes for Ethernet and Broadband Services. Broadband and Ethernet services quotes are available. The following products are/will be available for instant quoting: Wholesale Advantage Broadband; EPATH (All Frontier Properties Excluding AZ, NM); EIA (All Frontier Properties Excluding AZ, NM)

To access your preferences, select My Preferences from the hover-down System Menu options.

To access your profile, select the My Profile link from the hover-down System Menu options.

Proposals are accessed and viewed by clicking on the RFQ Manager-SQ link in the left sidebar. Click on the RFQ# of the proposal of interest to access and view it. Proposals are also accessed within the Quote Manager by clicking on the ‘Proposal’ button.

The System Menu is available when you hover the mouse over your name showing in the top-right corner of the title bar.

Users or Agents can add a ‘Client Company’ in either the ‘Contacts Manager’ or during the ‘New RFQ’ process. Click on ‘Contacts’ in the left sidebar to begin the process of adding a new Client Company via the Contact Manager. In the Contact Manager, select the ‘New Company’ button. Agent administrators also have the option of beginning the process to add a new client company by clicking on the ‘New Client Company’ button. In the resulting ‘New Client Company’ pop-up screen, select the Agent from the drop-down menu to whom the new Client Company belongs. Complete the Company and New Contact sections in the form. Click on the ‘Save’ button.

Please email inquiries to [email protected].

To calculate mileage click the Resources tab from the left-side menu. Enter the NPA/NXX for Locations A and Z. Enter only the 6-digit numeric NPANXX. Click the Search button to the right of the NPANXX A and Z fields to display the mileage calculation between ILEC Central Office (CO) associated with Location A and the ILEC Central Office (CO) associated with Location Z. Select ‘Print this page’ to print or ‘Close Window’ to close the window.

From the My Profiles screen, click on the ‘Change Password’ button near the bottom-right corner of the screen. In the resulting screen, enter and confirm the new password. Click the ‘Update Password’ button.

Any Instant Quotes that is produced by the system may be deleted in the Quote Manager. Begin by clicking the ‘Requirements’ button for the RFQ. Delete one or more Quotes by checking the box and clicking the ‘Delete’ button. Once a quote segment is deleted in the Service Quote Requirements window, it is immediately deleted from the Quote and the deletion cannot be undone.

The User may not wish to present the client with all of the instant quotes generated by the system or those that have been manually added. In the Quote Manager (QM) for that RFQ, simply check or uncheck the ‘Show’ box for that quote to have it appear on the Proposal and be viewable by the Client/Prospect.

From the Quote Manager, an existing quote may be easily duplicated to create additional quotes with new terms. Click on the ‘Requirements’ button to duplicate all segments of the quote. In the resulting pop-up screen, select the new term to quote in the drop-down menu. Once the new quote(s) is created, edit the requirements as necessary for each particular term quote (1, 2, 3 Year). When edits are complete click the “Update” button. Close the browser window by selecting the ‘X’ in the top right corner. Once back on the Quote Manager screen, click either the ‘RS’ button to resubmit an individual quote segment, or the ‘Resubmit’ button to resubmit the full quote.

If a customer is new the end-user customer contact information must be populated. Required fields are shown with an asterisk. For residential locations, enter the First and Last name of the residential customer in the ‘Company’ field and repeat in the ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’ fields. If you don’t have the Prospect/Customer contact email, you can enter your own for now and edit it later in ‘Client Contacts’. Enter the Location Information. Required fields are shown with an asterisk. The ‘Location Name’ field will default to ‘Loc 1’. This information may be changed to allow for quick identification of the client location. Populate the remaining Location Information fields of the primary service location to be quoted. Once the location fields are populated, the green ‘Validate!’ button will appear.

From My Preferences in MasterStream, hover the mouse over the Home and Landing Pages tab and select Home Page or Landing Page from the hover-down menu.

Home Page: Select the number of forward-looking and backward-looking days to show on the Home Page Order Renewal Reports and click the ‘Save’ button.

Landing Page: The Landing Page is the page you will first see upon login. Select your preferred Landing Page from the drop-down menu and click the ‘Update’ button

There are two options when exporting a quote. To export the full RFQ showing all quotes within the RFQ, select the ‘Export’ button from within the quote in the Quote Manager. To export only a specific Quote within the RFQ, select the ‘Export’ button within that quote section. All segments of the quote will appear in the exported file, even those that are not checked off in the ‘Show’ column. The export will show as a download CSV file in your browser window. Opening the download will allow the user to manipulate the file.

To Logout of the application, hover mouse over your name in the top-right of the title bar. Select the Logout link from the hover-down menu.

Each company with access to the Frontier MasterStream portal has an Agent Administrator. The Agent Administrator responsible for creating new Users. Frontier will supply your Agent Administrator contact information upon request to [email protected].

Click on Contacts in the left sidebar. In the Contact Manager, click on the name of the Client Company. In the resulting Company profile, click the ‘Hide’ button to hide the Client Company or the ‘Delete’ button to delete the Client Company. [NOTE: Only the creator of the Client or the Administrator may delete a Client Company.]

Once your CSV location file is ready to upload select the ‘Choose File’ button and select the file from your local folder. Once the file name is shown on the Import Locations screen, select the ‘Import’ button. Once the file has been imported and the import success message is presented, click the ‘Close’ button. Once the ‘Import Locations’ screen is closed, all locations loaded manually or by import file will be shown in the lower section of the ‘Service Locations’ screen (Saved Locations).

All RFQs are stored permanently in the RFQ Manager-SQ as either active ‘Open’ status or inactive ‘Closed’ status RFQs. Use the multiple drop-down menus at the top of the screen to select the criterial of interest and then click the ‘Search’ button.

To calculate mileage, click the Resources tab from the left-side menu. Enter the Address, City, State and Zip. Click the Search button available below the State field to display the ILEC NPANXX Lookup response. Select ‘Print Page’ to print the page or close with the browser window ‘X’ in the top-right corner.

To perform a Wire Center Lookup, click the Resources tab from the left-side menu. Enter the NPA/NXX into the field provided. Enter only the 6-digit numeric NPANXX. Click the Search button to the right of the NPA/NXX field to display Wire Center information for the NPA/NXX provided. Select ‘Print this page’ to print or ‘Close Window’ to close the window.

To reestablish a quote segment deleted in error, select the ‘Add Request’ button to initiate a new quote segment. Once this step is complete, click the ‘Resubmit’ button to resubmit the entire quote or click the ‘RS’ button for the specific quote segment to resubmit just that segment of the RFQ.

Wholesale customers that do not currently have access to MasterStream may request access to the Frontier-MasterStream Portal by completing and submitting the Frontier-MasterStream Agent Company Registration Form.

If you are an Agent Administrator for your company and find you can no longer login, please email [email protected] to reset your password. Please note that you have only 1 hour from receipt of the email to act upon it.

On the Proposal, click on the ‘Send to Customer’ button to email the Proposal to someone. The resulting email pop-up screen loads your default email and allows you to edit both the contents of the email as well as the recipient list before clicking the ‘Send’ button.

From the My Profile screen, update your information fields as needed including Name, Title, Contact Information and Avatar. Once updates are complete, click the ‘Save’ button.

All RFQs and their resulting Instant Quote proposals are viewed using the RFQ Manager-SQ from the left sidebar. The RFQs displayed will be limited based upon the user’s login privileges.

To login, open a Google Chrome browser and go to: https://mam.salestreamsoft.com. Enter your assigned username and password and click the ‘Login’ button.

There is no limit to the numer of users your Administrator may add to your instance of the MasterStream portal.

When creating the new customer you will be required to click the ‘Validate!’ button to perform an address validation. NOTE: The Address Validation feature validates addresses against the USPS database.

If the address is invalid, a red check mark will appear with the message ‘Invalid Address’. Adjust the service address fields as necessary and click the ‘Retry’ button

The following actions are available from the Quote Manager:

  • Click the ‘Requirements’ button to open all locations in the RFQ in edit view.
  • Click the ‘RS’ button to Resubmit just that location for new Instant Quotes.
  • Click the ‘Resubmit’ button to Resubmit the entire RFQ for new Instant Quotes.
  • Click the blue ‘Status’ button to the right of each location to Update its status.
  • Uncheck the box to the right of the ‘RS’ button, then click ‘Update View’ to temporarily hide quotes for that location.
  • Check or uncheck the box in the ‘Show’ column to hide or show that quote on the proposal.
  • Click the ‘Proposal’ button to view the proposal for all quotes checked to show.
  • Click the ‘Export’ button in the top section to export the entire RFQ to excel.
  • Click the ‘Export’ button in the Quote section to export that specific quote to excel.
  • Click the black ‘RFQ Manager’ button to return to your previous search results

Column headers on the template must be maintained as shown on the template. Column headers must be entered on the first row of your CSV file, followed by data starting on the second row. You can copy the example file header row, available from the Import Locations screen, to your spreadsheet and Save as a CSV file. NOTE: If the Location Name is blank or duplicated, a new name will be automatically generated. A maximum of 5000 rows is allowed. The maximum of 5000 lines includes the header row.

Field Entry Restrictions: If certain fields contain leading zeroes, the cell data must be enclosed with double quotes to ensure the leading zeroes are retained. For example, if the address zip code is 08816 – the ZIP cell data should be populated as ‘08816’. Note: Connecticut is the only Frontier state that has zip codes with a leading zero.

The Frontier-MasterStream portal provides registered Agent Company Users with the ability to request instant quotes for eligible products to end user customers in the Frontier Communications service territories in the states of AL, CA, CT, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, MI, MN, MS, NC, NE, NV, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, UT, WI and WV.

The Agent Company’s Administrator is responsible for creating Agent User (Sub-Agent) access to others within their company. The Agent Administrator has access to the same features as an Agent User as well as additional controls of the Agent Company instance of the Frontier-MasterStream portal.

Agent Users may be Sales Managers or Sales Representatives of the Agent Company. Agent Users have access to the features within the Frontier-MasterStream portal to create new clients and client locations, submit new RFQs, manage instant quotes and proposals for clients, view reports and access the lookup tool resources.

The home page will provide the user with: the left sidebar menu options, the Home Help (?), the ‘Show Me How’ help options, the current month totals of quotes requested, the Bulletin Board showing any important messages, and the top right links to the System menu, messages and alerts.

MasterStream is a web-based application that will provide real-time quotes for Ethernet and Broadband services.

The Contact Manager contains all your client contacts. The view is dependent on the user’s access. Agent administrators will see all Client Companies for all Contact Owners. Agent users will see only the contacts that they are the Contact Owner of. The Contact Owner is the creator of the client company. Select ‘Contacts’ from the left sidebar. Search ‘Contacts’ using the menu field selections along the top (Category, Contact Type, Company, Last Name) to view the specific set of Contacts of interest and then click ‘Search’ button. A wildcard search is available by using the percent sign. Use the ‘New Company’ button to create new client contacts.

Step 1: To submit a New Request for Quote (RFQ), click the ‘New RFQ’ button from the left sidebar.

Step 2: Select either Existing or New Prospect/Customer from the drop-down menu. Once the Service Type and Terms to Quote are selected, click the ‘Step 2’ button at the bottom of the screen to move to the ‘Service Quote Requirements Step 2 of 2’ screen.
In the resulting Step 2 of 2 screen, once the product and/or sub-product type is chosen, select the first service location from the drop-down menu. Upon page refresh, select the service options from the drop-down menus before clicking the Summary button to continue. Select non-specific menu choices such as ‘Any’ to broaden your Instant Quote search criteria. Enter the Location Information. Required fields are shown with an asterisk. The Location Name field will default to Loc 1. This information may be changed to allow for quick identification of the client location. Populate the remaining Location Information fields of the primary service location to be quoted. Once the location fields are populated, the green ‘Validate!’ button will appear. Click the ‘Validate!’ button to perform an address validation. If the address is invalid, a red check mark will appear with the message ‘Invalid Address’. Adjust the service address fields as necessary and click the ‘Retry’ button. If valid, the ‘Valid Address’ checked box will be returned. To continue, click the ‘Save / Continue’ button.

Step 3: Enter any additional locations to be quoted, other than the address shown in Saved Locations at the bottom of the screen. If you have several locations to enter you can save time by importing. To import a file, click the ‘Import Locations’ button to open the Import Locations screen. You can import up to 4999 locations in bulk using a 7-column format CSV file. Once all of the Locations are imported or added, click the ‘Continue’ button in blue at the bottom of the screen. This will move your RFQ to the next step.

Step 4: In the ‘Service Quote Requirements Step 1 of 2’ screen, populate the ‘Service Type’, and the ‘Select Terms to Quote (Years)’ fields. Once the Service Type and Terms to Quote are selected, click the ‘Step 2’ button at the bottom of the screen to move to the ‘Service Quote Requirements Step 2 of 2’ screen. In the resulting Step 2 of 2 screen, once the product and/or sub-product type is chosen, select the first service location from the drop-down menu. [NOTE: All locations successfully validated in Step 3 will be available from the drop-down.] Upon page refresh, select the service options from the drop-down menus before clicking the ‘Summary’ button to continue. Select non-specific menu choices such as ‘Any’ to broaden your Instant Quote search criteria.

Step 5: After completing the initial service request, you have a final opportunity to ‘Edit’ the service requirement or add additional services to this RFQ. To add another location to the RFQ without duplicating the previous selections, click the ‘Add Request’ button. This will allow you to add another quote to the RFQ, within the same Service Type (Broadband / Ethernet). Up to 200 locations may be supported on a single RFQ. To request the same or similar quote at additional service locations for this client, click on the ‘Duplicate’ button.

Step 6: For all added or duplicated locations, select the edit icon to update each location for unique options including: Residential/Commercial, Sub-Product Type, Access Technology, Bandwidth Options, Access Bandwidth, IP Address Type, Additional IP Addresses, Modem, or Dry Loop. Up to 200 locations may be supported on a single RFQ. Once the list of additional locations and service requests have been finalized, and the RFQ is complete, click the ‘Submit’ button. The submit confirmation screen will display. From this screen, you can utilize one of the blue buttons to ‘Print this page’, or ‘View Proposal’. To leave this page and go directly to the Quote, select the ‘Quote Manager’ link in the middle of the page. To move to the RFQ Manager, click the ‘Back to RFQ Manager’ button on the top or bottom of the screen.

The system menu is a hover-down menu providing access to My Profile, My Preferences, Help Center, Suggestion Box, Message Center and the Logout link.

The Quote Manager is attached to every RFQ and allows users (with permissions) to edit, add, delete or hide the instant quotes associated with the RFQ.

The following products have been made available to Agents for instant quotes from Frontier:

  • Wholesale Advantage Broadband
  • EPATH (All Frontier Properties Excluding AZ, NM)
  • EIA (All Frontier Properties Excluding AZ, NM)

Please email inquiries to [email protected].

Once the quotes are status ‘Ready’, Proposals may be viewed and sent to the Client. Click on the ‘QM’ from the RFQ Manager to enter the Quote Manager for that RFQ.

To access the Help, select the Question Mark found at the upper right of the home screen. A separate tab opens MasterStreams Knowledge Center and provides help content organized by topic as well as a search box.

Please email inquiries to [email protected].

Wholesale customers (Carrier, CLEC, Reseller) of Frontier Communications may request access to the FrontierMasterStream portal as an Agent Company. Agent Company Users may submit Request for Quote(s) (RFQ) on eligible products across the Frontier service territory.

Yes, Frontier will customize the rate deck in the portal to allow you to quote your contracted rates for Broadband, EIA and EPATH products.


Use of the Chrome browser is required for full functionality of the Frontier-MasterStream portal.

Once a Request for Quote (RFQ) is submitted, the status will update. Status of ‘Ready’ identifies that an instant quote is available and has been returned.

If an instant quote is not available for the RFQ submitted, the status returned will be ‘No Solution’.

To request access to the Frontier-MasterStream Portal, please complete and submit the Frontier-MasterStream Registration Form available online from the MasterStream page of the Frontier Wholesale Operations Website at: https://wholesale.frontier.com/resources/systems-and-online-tools/masterstream.html.

Customers with an existing MasterStream API may request Frontier quotes by completing and submitting the Frontier-MasterStream Agent Company Cloud Registration Form available from the MasterStream page.

Submitting your completed Cloud Registration form will initiate the process, which requires further action by your SaleStream Customer Service Specialist. Customers with an existing MasterStream API are still eligible to request direct login access to the Frontier-MasterStream Portal by completing and submitting the Frontier-MasterStream Registration Form.

To initiate a manual quote request, please contact your Frontier Account Manager by email, not via the Frontier-MasterStream Portal.

If you require new user credentials to start taking advantage of the Frontier-MasterStream portal for instant quotes, contact your company’s administrator for the Frontier-MasterStream Portal. If you are unaware of who your company administrator is, please email your inquiry to: [email protected].

If experiencing system issues with the Frontier-MasterStream Portal, please notify via email to [email protected].

VFO-EP Connectivity

Virtual Front Office – Exchange Path

Please visit our Get Connected page for information.

These updates should be submitted to Frontier via the Frontier Wholesale Customer Connectivity Form with the Change Type of Request.

For details, please visit the Connectivity and E-Bonding page.

Frontier provides E-bonded order guidelines located in the Local Business Rules section of our Wholesale website.

Please contact the Frontier Connectivity Manager at: [email protected].

Please contact the LCSS (Local Carrier Services Support) team at [email protected]

LSR Ordering Center (LCSC)
Order Processing for SPIDS 0121, 0161, 2473

Order Processing for SPID 5200
888-608-8023, Option 2

All questions and comments at the beginning and during the CLEC Test and Friendly Production Period should be referred to your tester.

If you are currently unaware of your assigned dedicated Sales Team, please email [email protected].

Please visit our Get Connected page for information.

To register for email notifications of LSR Transaction status changes in VFO, please select VFO Responses via Email in the LSR Transactions section of the Frontier Wholesale Customer Connectivity Form. Confirmation will be sent by the Frontier Connectivity Manager once the VFO Response Email has been established. Please visit our Get Connected page for information.

Please visit our Get Connected page for information.

If your company currently has connectivity to VFO, please contact your company administrator for login credentials. If you are unsure who your company administrator is, please send inquiry to: [email protected]. If your company does not have connectivity to VFO, please visit our Get Connected page for information.

For questions regarding your Frontier customer profile, please contact [email protected]

Please visit the Get Connected page for information.

Please visit the Get Connected for Access Services page to access the Applying for IAC Code (CCNA/ACNA) and EC Code for Access Services reference which provides instructions on how to apply for an IAC and EC Codes, as well as connecting to Frontier’s ordering system, to conduct business with Frontier.

Please visit the Systems and Online Tools menu.

The VFO GUI URL for production orders is: https://vfo.frontier.com/.

Please visit the Bonded Testing page.

Yes. Frontier pre-order transactions, including the Address/Location Validation which will provide details if the address is a valid Frontier service address, are available via GUI or E-Bonded options. For more information please visit the Get Connected page.