Connectivity and E-Bonding

Frontier Operational Support Systems are available for doing business with Wholesale Carriers and CLECs. To conduct business with Frontier, please submit the Frontier Wholesale Customer Connectivity Form and indicate how you would like to submit your ordering requests to Frontier. Frontier provides Carriers and CLECs with two methods for submitting order and pre-order access requests.

  1. E-bond using the supported protocols
  2. Frontier Ordering, Pre-ordering and Trouble Admin GUI called, Virtual Front Office (VFO)

Whether e-bonding or using the Frontier GUI, CLECs and Carriers need to complete and submit the Frontier Connectivity Access Form. Please visit one of the Get Connected pages for a full list of form submission requirements.


If you are selecting LSR Services, an Interconnection Agreement may also be required, please check with your Account Manager for assistance. If you are currently unaware of your assigned account management team, please email [email protected]

If you are selecting LSR E-Bonding (EDI via Interactive Agent), you will also need to complete the LSR E-Bonding Form.

If you are selecting LSR E-Bonding (UOM/XML), you will also need to complete the LSR-XML Connectivity Access Form.

  • For LSR E-Bonding technical specifications (EDI via Interactive Agent or UOM/XML), please visit the LSR Business Rules page.

If you have changes to your current connectivity arrangement with Frontier, you will use the Frontier Wholesale Customer Connectivity Form to indicate the desired changes.

To contact the Frontier Connectivity Team, please email: [email protected]

Forms and Notifications