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LSR VFO Pre-Order

Virtual Front Office Local Module

Frontier’s Loop Qualification Bulk Loader provides customers (with VFO access) the ability to perform xDSL pre-qualification for up to 2000 addresses across the Frontier footprint, all on one file. The Bulk Loader is available from the Local Module in Frontier’s VFO GUI and may be utilized for transaction type H or X only. The Loop Qualification Bulk Loader allows the customer to upload a CSV source file containing the data for each loop qualification request.

The Loop Qualification Bulk Loader tool will create individual transactions for each valid line of data provided on an uploaded CSV file. The individual transactions will be submitted to Frontier’s backend provisioning systems. To be eligible for a response, all individual transactions must pass Frontier’s upfront business rules requirements as set for each transaction type (H, X).

The xDSL Loop Qualification (TXTYP = H) and the Loop Qualification DSL for Wholesale Broadband (TXTYP = X) are available via the Bulk Loader in VFO.

Bulk Loader CSV source files require the same minimum field entry and population requirements when creating individual pre-order transactions in VFO, as stated in the Local Pre-Order Business Rules.

For full details on each field entry, please refer to the respective LSR Pre-Order Form available on the Business Rules page of the Frontier Wholesale Operations.

Bulk Loader xDSL Loop Qualification (TXTYP = H) Template

Bulk Loader Loop Qualification DSL for Wholesale Broadband (TXTYP=X) Template

To initiate a Bulk Loader request from the Local Module in VFO, customers must upload the respective Bulk Loader CSV source file. Each file must be populated as required to ensure a valid upload. The specific Bulk Loader source file template needs to be utilized for each transaction type.

Source file templates are in CSV format and must remain in CSV format for successful upload to VFO.

The maximum number of lines of data that may be submitted on a source file is 2000 lines of data. Bulk Loader CSV source files that are not in CSV format or that contain more than 2000 lines of data will receive an error and will not be uploaded.

Lines 1 and 2 of the Bulk Loader CSV source file are header rows and should not be adjusted in any way. Additionally, the columns shown on the Bulk Loader CSV source file templates should not be adjusted in any way.

The first customer-provided line of data (the address) will appear on line 3.

From the Local Module in VFO, hover your mouse over the pre-order tab and select Bulk Loader. Select the Add button to open the Upload screen. Populate the fields as required and select the Upload button.

A Bulk Loader CSV Source File Name will be generated by the VFO Bulk Loader upon successful upload of a Bulk Loader CSV source file. The Bulk Loader CSV Source File Names will be shown on the Bulk Loader PreOrder CSV File List screen in VFO.

The first four characters of the Source File Name will always be ‘BULK’. Immediately following the first four characters (BULK) will be the 2-digit year when the file was uploaded. Next will be a 5-digit sequentially assigned file number. Each Source File Name will be 11 characters in length. (example: BULK1700164)

Yes. An email notification will be sent once the File Status column on the Bulk Loader CSV File List screen in VFO is updated as a ‘Failure’ or a ‘Completed’ status. The email notification will be sent to the email contact provided at the time the Bulk Loader CSV source file was uploaded. The email does not provide a link to the Bulk Loader CSV target file. However, once the email notification is received the user can log into VFO to view the failure reason or the completed target file from the Bulk Loader CSV File List screen.

Failure reasons will show for any lines of data that either failed to submit or timed out. Possible failure reasons include ‘Timed Out’ or ‘TXTYP value should match the header TXTYP’ or ‘Required field(s) missing’. Depending on the failure reason, failed lines may or may not contain a transaction number (TXNUM) and Date/Time Sent (DTSent). Response column information will not be populated for lines that contain a failure reason.

For a file to successfully upload and move to processing status, the following minimum requirements must be met:

  • Email ID must be provided.
  • Email ID provided must be in a valid format.
  • Number of columns must conform to the number of columns on the respective source file.
  • Number of addresses provided (customer data rows) may not exceed 2000.
  • File type must be .csv

Uploaded Bulk Loader CSV files will be available for viewing across the customer’s VFO profile from the Local Module. All individual pre-order transactions created as the result of a Bulk Loader CSV file will automatically be saved allowing for future searching and viewing in VFO.

Failed – The file has not passed the minimum verification, or all lines of the file have invalid data or have timed out. No further action will occur.

Processing – The file has passed the minimum verification and the Bulk Loader utility has started the process of reading through each row in the file.

Submitted – Individual pre-order transactions have been generated and submitted to Frontier’s provisioning system during an available Bulk Loader Schedule window and are awaiting response.

Partially Completed – Individual transaction responses have started returning and the response fields are being populated on the target file.

Completed – All individual transaction responses are now returned and response fields are populated on target file. If any pre-order transactions for a given source file time out (no responses are received), the file will be considered Completed finve minutes after the last pre-order is submitted.

Valid Bulk Loader CSV file transactions will be generated and submitted during a Bulk Loader window, on a first come/ first served basis. If the volume of Bulk Loader CSV file transactions exceeds the transaction limit for a particular Bulk Loader window, the remaining Bulk Loader CSV file transactions will be held for the next available Bulk Loader window. The Bulk Loader window occurs daily between the hours of 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time and 6:00 a.m. Eastern Time unless a maintenance window is planned.

Transaction numbers will be assigned by the Bulk Loader for each successfully submitted line of data from the source file. The Bulk Loader CSV source file name will be included in each transaction number (TXNUM). Transaction numbers will be provided in the Target File. Those transaction numbers may be utilized in the pre-order search.

Once the File Status of a Bulk Loader CSV target file is updated to ‘Failed’ or ‘Completed’ a Bulk Loader CSV target file will be available for download from the Bulk Loader Pre-Order CSV File List screen in VFO. Bulk Loader target files will provide individual line-by-line responses and/or failure reasons.

To view or download a Bulk Loader CSV target file, hover the Pre-Order tab in the Local Module of VFO and select Bulk Loader. From the Bulk Loader Pre-Order CSV File List screen select the radio button for the file you wish to view or download. Finish by selecting the View/Download Target button at the top of the screen.

From the Bulk Loader CSV File List screen in VFO, select the radio button to the left of the file to be deleted and select Delete.

Bulk Loader CSV source and/or target files may only be deleted by the user who uploaded the file. If your User ID is not shown in association with the Bulk Loader CSV file, you will not be authorized to delete the file.

1. Log into VFO and select the Local module. The Order List page will then open.

2. Execute the PreOrder-New menu command. The PreOrder Initiation window will then open.

  • TXNUM: This will be automatically populated with an incremented entry. Optionally, you can change the value in the TXNUM field manually.
  • Trading Partner: This dropdown will contain all the Trading Partners that have been configured for use in this module.
  • Service Center: The options listed will be determined by the choice of Frontier.
  • TX Type: The Transaction Type will be determined based on the selected Service Center.

3. Click Initiate. This opens the PreOrder Request window.

4. Populate the fields with relevant search criteria. Please note that yellow fields are required.

5. Click Submit. The returns arethen displayed in the PreOrder Response window.

SPID 0121, 0161 or 5200: CSR inquiries are available via electronic request only. Calls to the LCSC to request CSR information over the phone is prohibited. To request the CSR electronically, a pre-order transaction type ‘E’ is required. The transaction may be submitted via EDI or the VFO interface.

SPID 2473: Send email request to [email protected].

SPID 7513: Send email request to [email protected].

If the CSR request is for a Frontier Retail account, then the information is visible by any/all Carriers that choose to view them.

If the CSR request is for a CLEC UNE-L (loop), Resale, Stand-alone directory listing, or UNE-P (Wholesale Platform) account, then only the carrier owner of record can view. Note: Stand-alone directory listings can be seen by any CCNA using the Directory Listing Record (DLR) request. (TXTYP=T)

If the CSR request is for a Connecticut end-user with Uverse products and services, then an error message will be returned stating “CSR Not Eligible for Review”.

The Customer Service Record Response will include the following information: Account data, Location Directory, Listing data, Listing detail, Service data, ECCKT data and associated CFA, Line Restriction data, FIDs, Feature Details, Feature Quantity

Frontier allows CSRs to be viewed with the understanding that the CLEC has the End User’s permission. CLECs are required to populate the AGAUTH field.

The Customer Service Record (CSR) Information Inquiry is used prior to submitting an LSR to view the end user’s current services. It allows access to the Frontier CSR data for the purpose of determining existing services for a specified end user account.

A Customer Service record inquiry will return end user records with less than 10,000 lines of information. When the customer record contains 10,000 or more lines of information, an informational message will direct the user to the Customer Wholesale Portal (CWP) for the remaining data. (Example: Please access CWP to retrieve unparsed CSR using encrypted file name: XXXCCYYMMDDHHMMSS.A.CSR) Please note: The CSR files that contain 10,000 lines or more will be available on the CWP for 3 business days. If not retrieved by that time it will be deleted from the portal and a new request will be required.

Manual Loop Qualification transactions require manual intervention by Frontier personnel. As a result an immediate response with loop qualification details is not available. A response providing the loop qualification details is returned within 48 hours of a Wholesale Customer’s inquiry.

Wholesale Customers are required to populate custom fields in Frontier VFO when submitting a Pre-order inquiry for Manual Loop Qualification. Those custom fields are: INIT_NAME; INIT_TELNO; INIT_EMAIL; and 48-Hour Response Required (Y).

  • The INIT_NAME field is a required entry for Pre-Order transactions types J, K and P. This field is populated with the Wholesale Customer initiator’s name.
  • The INIT_TELNO field is a required entry for Pre-Order transactions types J, K and P. This field is populated with the Wholesale Customer initiator’s telephone number.
  • The INIT_EMAIL field is a required entry for Pre-Order transactions types J, K and P. This field is populated with the Wholesale Customer initiator’s email address. Responses to Manual Loop Qualification inquiries are returned to the email address provided.
  • The 48-Hour Response Required (Y) field is a required entry for Pre-Order transactions types J, K and P. This field requires an entry of Y when a Manual Loop Qualification inquiry is submitted. The following error message is returned when not populated with Y: “HOUR RESPONSE REQUIRED FIELD IS REQUIRED FOR THIS TXTYP”.

When a valid Manual Loop Qualification inquiry is submitted the Wholesale Customer receives the following immediate response from Frontier VFO: “Manual Processing Required – response will be provided within 48 hours”. Frontier will provide the Manual Loop Qualification response with loop qualification details via email within 48 hours of the request.

Requests are limited to 5 lines per Appointment Reservation ID. Multiple appointment reservations are required for more than 5 lines. Each will need a unique Address Validation.

Note: RPONS are required to link related orders with reserved appointments.

A window of time may be requested in military format.
Options are: 0800-1200 or 1300-1700

An Appointment Reservation is allowed for the following REQTYP and ACT:

  • REQTYP: AB, BB, DB, EB and PB
  • ACT: C, N, T and V

A successful Address Validation TXTYP A transaction must be completed prior to performing an Appointment Scheduling Inquiry. Take note of the TXNUM as it will be necessary for the Appointment Scheduling Inquiry.

The Service Order Request Inquiry (SOR) is available by three different inquiry criteria. The inquiry criteria selected will determine what you can expect to see on the SOR Response.

  • By Service Order Identification Number (ICRI=A)
  • By Purchase Order Number (ICRI=B)
  • By Frontier Billing Telephone Number (ICRI=C)

The Service Order Request Inquiry (SOR) is an available LSR pre-order transaction. The SOR allows Local Wholesale Customers to request and view pending service order information from Frontier’s provisioning system. The SOR is available post-FOC (Firm Order Confirmation) and prior to the Service Order posting to Frontier’s billing system. The Service Order Request Inquiry Response provides the full details of the order including remarks.

A successful response to the SOR by Service Order Identification Number (ICRI = A) will provide the customer with the Service Order details in the Multi-Line Text (MLT) field of the response.

A successful response to the SOR by Purchase Order Number (ICRI = B) will provide the customer with a list of pending Service Orders associated with the Purchase Order Number (PON) that are not posted for billing. If there is only one pending Service Order associated with the PON, the full details will be provided on the initial response. If there are Service Orders associated with the PON that are completed and posted for billing, those Service Order numbers will not be provided on the SOR Response. To request service order details of Service Order numbers provided on the initial response, please submit a subsequent SOR by Service Order Identification Number (ICRI = A), for each non-posted Service Order.

A successful response to the SOR by Frontier Billing Telephone Number (ICRI = C) will provide the customer with a list of pending Service Orders associated with the Billing Telephone Number (BTN) that are not posted for billing. If there is only one pending Service Order associated with the PON, the full details will be provided on the initial response. If there are Service Orders associated with the BTN that are completed and posted for billing, those Service Order numbers will not be provided on the SOR Response. To request service order details of Service Order numbers provided on the initial response, please submit a subsequent SOR by Service Order Identification Number (ICRI = A), for each non-posted Service Order.

A= New inquiry
T= Validation by Working Telephone Number

E= Selection

A= New inquiry

A=New inquiry (view only)
G=Change reservation

A= New inquiry

A= New inquiry
K=Cancel Selection or Reservation
M=Modify Reservation Expiration Date
U=Return Specific TN

A= New inquiry

A= New inquiry

A= New inquiry

A= New inquiry

A=New Inquiry Single Facility
B=New Inquiry Range of Facility

A= New inquiry

A= New inquiry

A= New inquiry

A= New inquiry

A= New inquiry

Address Validation Inquiry – TXTYP = A:  Allows CLEC to validate an end user address using a working telephone number or the physical address.

Direct Telephone Number Selection – TXTYP = B: Reserve telephone numbers for noncomplex new service – Allows up to 5 telephone numbers per request to be reserved for 30 days.

Appointment Scheduling Inquiry – TXTYP = D: Reserve date and timeframe for service installation. Requires a TXTYP A Address Validation prior to submitting reservation. Limited to 5 lines per Appointment Reservation ID. A reservation is held for 5 business hours from the time it is reserved (TXACT R or G.) .

Customer Service Records Inquiry – TXTYP = E: Provides access to Frontier data for the purpose of determining existing services for a specified end user.  CLECs can query by ATN or ECCKT.  The user can expect to receive both primary and non-primary billing numbers for the same customer at the same address and service line, as well as CFA info associated with the ECCKT. CSR records containing 10K lines of data or more will be returned via the Customer Wholesale Portal.

xDSL Loop Qualification – TXTYP = H /K: Used to determine loop lengths, qualification indicator, products available and if necessary, the reason the loop is not qualified for DSL. This can be submitted by end user address or WTN. If the WTN is not owned by Frontier, then CLEC must use address instead. If the loop length is less than 18,000 feet then the loop is qualified. If it is greater than 18,000 feet it is not qualified.

Loop Make-Up – TXTYP = J: Provides physical make-up of facilities at the selected location including bridge tap location and length, composition of the loop (copper or fiber), presence of load coils, quantity and spacing of load coils, and pair gain presence. (If an automated response is not available a manual response will be provided within 48-hours via email)

Collocation Assignment Validation – TXTYP = N: Allows the CLEC to validate UNE loops and splitters for collocation assignments terminating in a wire center.

Loop Qualification Basic Inquiry – TXTYP = P/Q: Provides whether the facilities located at a specific end user address qualify for ISDN service. The Basic Inquiry allows the CLEC to determine if the local loop supports ISDN.

Directory Listing Inquiry – TXTYP = T: Enables the CLEC to access existing listing data for the purpose of viewing existing listings for the specified end user. Depending on the specificity of the info, the listing database will return either the requested listing or a list from which the requester must select a more specific listing and enter a new request.

Fiber Availability Inquiry – TXTYP = W:  Provides a CLEC with the facility environment serving the end user.

DSL Loop Qualification for Wholesale Broadband – TXTYP = X: Available to CLECs who have a Frontier Communications Wholesale Advantage Broadband agreement. Allows the CLEC to perform a joint loop qualification and delivery address validation request or a standalone loop qualification or a deliver address validation request. If requesting loop info, this will validate the service address and return all speeds available for DSL loop. If requesting deliver address validation this will provide US Postal Service validated address.

Please visit the Location/Product Qualification page for the full list of LSR pre-order transactions.

Please visit the LSR Business Rules page to access the current version of Pre-Order Response Documents. To view the full list of fields and response value definitions, select the LSR pre-order response document that correlates to the response you have received.

LSR Ordering Codes

Refer to the Analog Loop NC/NCI/SECNCI Codes Matrix for Acquired WV and Legacy properties.

Refer to the Analog Loop NC/NCI Codes Matrix for Frontier 13/CTF.

Refer to the West Virginia Blocking Matrix.

Refer to the Connecticut Blocking Matrix.

Refer to the Blocking Matrix for the Frontier 13 (including CTF) properties.

Refer to the Blocking Matrix for the Legacy properties.

Refer to the Custopak/Centranet CTF-CA matrix.

Refer to the Custopak/Centranet CTF-FL matrix.

Refer to the Custopak/Centranet CTF-TX matrix.

Refer to the Custopak/Centranet F13-CA matrix.

Refer to the Custopak/Centranet F13-IL matrix.

Refer to the Custopak/Centranet F13-IN matrix.

Refer to the Custopak/Centranet F13-MI matrix.

Refer to the Custopak/Centranet F13-NV matrix.

Refer to the Custopak/Centranet F13-NC matrix.

Refer to the Custopak/Centranet F13-OH matrix.

Refer to the Custopak/Centranet F13-SC matrix.

Refer to the Custopak/Centranet F13-WI matrix.

Refer to the NC/NCI Matrix for the Frontier 13 (including CTF) properties.

Refer to Acquired West Virginia PBX/DID/FX USOC Guide for Resale and Wholesale Platform matrix.

Refer to the Acquired West Virginia Resale Centrex USOCs matrix.

Refer to the Acquired West Virginia Resale ISDN USOCs matrix.

Refer to the Resale Ordering Code Matrix for AZ, CA, IL, NV, OH and WI.

Refer to the Resale Ordering Code Matrix for the CTF properties.

Refer to the Resale Ordering Code Matrix for IN, MI, NC and SC.

Refer to the Acquired West Virginia Resale POTS USOCs matrix.

Refer to the Acquired West Virginia Resale Private Line USOCs matrix.

Refer to the Acquired West Virginia Resale RCF USOCs matrix.

Refer to the Resale Voice Messaging Matrix for the Legacy properties.

Refer to the Acquired West Virginia Single Rate ISDN-PRI matrix.

Refer to the Acquired West Virginia NC/NCI Matrix.

Refer to the Connecticut UNE Loop NC/NCI/SECNCI Matrix.

Refer to the Centranet F13-Except CA matrix.

Refer to the Centranet CTF-CA matrix.

Refer to the Centranet CTF-FL matrix.

Refer to the Centranet CTF-TX matrix.

Refer to the Centranet F13-CA Only matrix.

Refer to the UNE Wholesale Ordering Code Matrix for AZ, CA, IL, NV, OH and WI.

Refer to the UNE Wholesale Ordering Code Matrix for CTF.

Refer to the UNE Wholesale Ordering Code Matrix for IN, MI, NC and SC.

Refer to the Acquired West Virginia Density Zones matrix.

Refer to the Acquired West Virginia Wholesale Platform Centrex USOCs matrix.

Refer to the Connecticut Wholesale Platform Feature Ordering Matrix.

A Blocking Matrix for each of the four Local Service Territories is available from the Local Reference Library.


Virtual Front Office Local Module

1. Selecting the link in the Error Text column will link you to the violated field. PLEASE NOTE: The errors in the figure above only refer to specific fields. If entire forms or sections are in error, you will need to manually navigate to the form or section to make the corrections.

2. Refer to the Form and Section/Field columns to determine the location of the violating field. Refer to the Occurs column to determine how many occurrences of the violation are in the Request.

3. Make the required changes.

4. Save.

1. Login into VFO and select the Local module. This opens the Local Order List page.
2. Hover your cursor over the Order tab. This will reveal the Order menu.
3. Execute the Order / New Menu command. This opens the Order Initiation page.
4. The system will generate an Order number. Users can enter a different Order number, if they choose to do so.
5. Select Frontier. This generates Frontier’s Receiver Code and the guideline version supported.
6. Enter a new Version value or leave the system generated version.
7. Select the OCN (only for OCN configured CLECs) from the list, the first OCN code from the dropdown will be the primary and the rest will be secondary. The OCN selected on the Initiation page will be pre-populated on to the CC field on the LSR form.
8. Select a Service. This generates a list of activities available for that service.
9. Select an Activity.
10. Optionally, select a Template.
11. Click Initiate. This opens a new Service Request Order form.

1. Execute the Order / Supplement menu command or click the Supplement icon, displayed as “SUP” in a circle.
2. Indicate a version (if not auto populated) and supplement type.
3. Click Change.
4. Make the required changes to the order.
5. Execute the Order / Validate and Submit menu command or click the Submit icon.

1. At the Order List page, click Filter (the icon that resembles a funnel). This opens the Order List Filter window.

2. Select the items you want displayed on your Order List, or check the Exclude checkbox which will allow you to display all items except the items you have checked.

3. Click OK. The resulting Order List only contains the items matching your selections.

4. By clicking the checkbox next to the header of a subsection, the statuses within that section will be selected.

5. Some of the available filter options may be minimized into their headers. By clicking the blue downward arrow you can open these sections up. Minimizing them is accomplished by clicking the upward facing arrow.

PLEASE NOTE: Click the Clear button the Order List Filter window to erase all previous selections.

Refer to the Digital Loop with Local Number Port (BB/V) order sample.

Refer to the Full UNE Loop Account Disconnect (AB/D) order sample.

Refer to the Local Number Port – Range of TNs (CB/V) order sample.

Refer to the New Linesharing Service (AB/N) order sample.

Refer to the Change CFA of Existing Analog Loop (AB/C) Order Sample.

Refer to the Disconnect Linesharing Service (AB/D) Order Sample.

Refer to the Install New Digital Loop (ARSU) (AB/N) Order Sample.

Refer to the Install New Resale Business ISDN BRI (QB/N) Order Sample.

Refer to the Install New Resale Business PBX/DID/DOD (NB/N) Order Sample.

Refer to the Install New Resale ISDN PRI (QB/N) Order Sample.

Refer to the Install New Resale Private Line (KB/N) Order Sample.

Refer to the Install New Resale Single Rate ISDN PRI (QB/N) Order Sample.

Use the following procedure to generate a Response Summary Report.

1. Select the checkbox of the PON that you want to generate a Summary Report.
2. Click the Summary icon (clipboard) on the Local Order List page.

Note: Optionally click the Print button to print the Response Summary Report.

1. Hover the Order tab.

2. Select the Supplement menu command

3. If the LSR RPON field is populated in the version that is being supplemented, a new pop-up window is displayed with the following alert: “The PON you reverted to-are supplementing has an RPON associated with it.”

4. If the version is Alpha or Alphanumeric, you will be presented with a page to increment the version and select a Supplement Type.

5. If the version is numeric, you will be presented with the same page, but the system will increment the version for you.

VFO allows you to save a copy of the selected or current Service Request under a different Purchase Order Number (PON). You can execute the Save As command from the Order List page or from within an existing Service Request. Use the following procedure to save an existing Local Request as another Local Request.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are using the Save-as command from the Order List page, you must first click the radio button of the order you want to copy.

  • Execute the Order-Save As Order menu command. This opens the Save as New Order window.
  • Enter the new, unique PON.
  • Click Save.

Note: If you are performing a Save As from within an existing Service Request, open the Service Request you want to copy and execute the Order-Action-Save As Order menu command.

1. On the Order List page, execute the Order-Search menu command. This opens the Search dialog.
2. Select the criterion on which you want to search.
3. Enter the value you wish to search for in the Search For field. This field is not case sensitive.
4. Click Search.

There are two options:

1. Revert to Last Submitted – If you modify a Service Request after you successfully submitted it (i.e., started a supplement request), you can return to the previously submitted version of the Service Request by executing the Order / Revert / Revert to Last Submitted command. This command restores the previously submitted version of the Request even if you executed the Save command to save those changes.

2. Revert to Last Saved – You can create responses and choose to save them. Then you can use the History screen to open the last saved version of the response or revert to an earlier saved version. Click the PON next to the response you want to view, modify, transmit, etc. Once you click Save, Validate, or Submit this response becomes the current response.

1. Populate the fields. If a section is required the header will display the word Required. Fields within that section that are required will be highlighted in yellow. Additional fields may be required depending on the type of request.

2. The address can be validated without leaving the order by populating the address field and clicking the Validate link next to the section header. The response for the above Address Validation may be any of the following:

  • Exact Match: If the values entered in the section have an exact match, then the ‘Address validated successfully’ response will be displayed.
  • Near Match: (For LSOG UOM customers) If the values entered in the section have one or more near address matches then the below response will be displayed with the list of all near match values. Users can select one of the addresses by clicking the Use Address button. This will pre-populate the LSR order address fields.
  • No Match: If the values entered in the section have no match, then the ‘No Match Found’ response will be displayed.

3. Browse through each of the remaining forms and repeat the previous step. PLEASE NOTE: Click the Save icon in the upper-right corner of the page if you intend to validate or submit the order later.

4. Click the Submit icon. Executing the Submit command validates the service request order against the business rules. NOTE: You can also Save, Submit, and Validate by clicking the Order tab and executing that function through the menu command.

1. Click the link in the PON column, on the Order List page, to open the applicable Service Request. This opens the Service Request order.
2. Click the Validate icon in the upper right corner of the page or execute the Order / Validate menu command. Violated rules are displayed in the Error Code List window.

You can link to the order with the most recent status by clicking the link in the Status column that corresponds to the order you want to view.

1. Click the radio button that corresponds to the desired order.
2. Click the History icon. This opens the Order History page where you can view and print the history of the selected Service Request. You can also download the XML generated for each item in the Order History screen.

VFO allows you to view the errors that were found in the order. Violated rules are displayed in the Error Code List in a pop-up browser. Open the Service Request and execute the Order-View-View Error List menu command to view the errors. Some of these errors will link to fields when clicked. Others will need to be navigated to manually.

There may be an icon beside some of the orders to indicate different work states. The following list outlines what these icons indicate:

  • Red Bell – The order has one or more Business Rules Violations. The violation was detected in the Exchange Path and stopped before it reached Frontier.
  • Flame – The order has been rejected by the Frontier for a reason other than a Business Rules Violation.
  • Green Check Mark – The order has been completed by Frontier.
  • White Check on a Green Folder – The order has been confirmed. This means that Frontier has accepted the order and is in the process of fulfilling it.
  • Red Exclamation Mark – The order is in Jeopardy. This could be due to any number of reasons from a delay in a process required to a lack of resources.
  • Red Hand – The order has received a Directory Service Confirmation and Error Detail.
  • Train Tracks – The order is Tracking Only. This means that the order was placed outside the VFO system and the information within VFO is simply used for tracking purposed.

Please note that this status is not related to status changes.

Acknowledged – Accepted: The request has passed the TP initial validation of the request.
User Action: Wait for Confirmation

Errored: LSR has failed the Exchange Path validation process.
User Action: Correct Rule Error and Validate again

Jeopardy: Indicates there are situations that may jeopardize critical dates of the LSR (PON).
User Action: Review Response and take recommended action

Pending Submission: The VFO application is unable to communicate with the gateway application. As soon as communication is restored, the request will be sent.
User Action: Contact your system administrator

Pending Validation: An initial request or a change to a request has not been sent to Exchange Path for validation or submission to Frontier. After validation, the resulting response from Exchange Path will be Validated or Errored.
User Action: Complete the order, validate and submit request

Rejected (Non-Fatal): TP has returned a negative (rejection) acknowledgment. This reject is not fatal to the request and in most cases, you can supplement the request to correct the error.
User Action: Review Response and take recommended action

Rejected (Fatal): TP has returned a negative (rejection) acknowledgment that is fatal to this request. In most cases, you cannot supplement the request to correct the errors.
User Action: Review Response and take recommended action

System Errored: VFO has received a system error message from Exchange Path.
User Action: Read the error and Submit Order again. Contact your System Administrator to alert them of the issue if it continues.

Validated: Exchange Path returns a validation successful message.
User Action: Submit Order

Billing Completed: TP has completed the billing process and will be generating a bill for services rendered.

Confirmed: TP has returned a confirmation message for that LSR.

Cancel Confirmed: Frontier has confirmed canceling an LSR. Exchange Path has updated the status, stored the message in the Exchange Path Database and sent a notification message to VFO.

Provisioning Completed: TP has completed the provisioning of the service.

Sent: Exchange Path has sent the request to the TP, updated the status and sent a notification message to VFO.

Submitted: This message indicates that an initial request or a change to a request has been sent to Exchange Path for validation and subsequent processing. As soon as the request is electronically processed, the status will change to “Sent.”

Tracked: The order was initiated as a Tracking Only request and will not be transmitted to Frontier. This is used when the order was sent manually outside of VFO and you want to track the order progress manually in VFO.

Voided: VFO user has placed the LSR in this status to indicate that this request should not be transmitted to the Frontier.

An alert will be generated if the user modifies (i.e., supplements) an LSR order that has been successfully submitted if the version of that LSR had the RPON field populated.

  • VFO user logs in and initiates a sup against a LSR that was previously submitted to the TP
  • If the LSR.RPON field is populated in the version that is being supplemented, a new pop-up window is displayed with the following alert: “The PON you reverted to-are supplementing has an RPON
  • User clicks on the OK button
  • SUP pop-up window is displayed, user proceeds with populating the Version field and clicks on the Change button and proceeds with supplementing the order

The Validate command in VFO validates Service Request Orders against the business rules. The validation request is sent to the Business Rule Management System which performs initial validations, service provider business rule validations, and ILEC specific business rule validations. NOTE: Executing the Submit command (by using the menu command or by clicking the Submit tool) automatically validates the Service Request.

Tracking is only to be used if your request is not to be submitted to Frontier. Tracked orders are visible only on the customer’s order list.

The Order List houses all the Local orders created in the application and all the responses received.
-The PON is a link to the order detail in read or write mode.
-The Version is a link to a read only view of the order.
-The Status is a link to the response details returned from Frontier.
Orders that have been reassigned to a new owner are displayed with a darker shade of gray. Orders with the owner’s name shaded pink indicate that the owner has been deleted from the application.

The Filter function allows you to limit the selection of orders displayed in the Order List. The system saves your filter settings and applies them to future VFO sessions. Your Order List filter settings will open as part of the login process.

After a Service Request receives a response, you can use the Summary Report to view the key information provided in that response. For example, after you receive a Firm Order Confirmation (FOC), the Summary Report will detail the Due Date information based on the response. The Summary Report function is enabled for the following statuses: Acknowledged, Confirmed, Confirmation, Rejected (non-fatal), Rejected (fatal), Jeopardy, Provisioning Comleted, Billing Completed.

If a local order has an associated RPON field populated, then a new icon ‘R’ will be displayed in the Order list to distinguish PONs with the RPON field populated. In the event that there is more than one version for a PON, the RPON icon will be displayed if the latest version has the RPON field populated.

To assist customers with LSR population to order Wholesale Platform services, Frontier provides LSR Order Samples. Please also refer to the current version of LSR Business Rules for LSR form/field specific information.

To assist customers with LSR population to order Resale services, Frontier provides LSR Order Samples. Please also refer to the current version of LSR Business Rules for LSR form/field specific information.

To assist customers with LSR population to order Standalone Directory Listings, Frontier provides LSR Order Samples. Please also refer to the current version of LSR Business Rules for LSR form/field specific information.

To assist customers with LSR population to order UNE Loop services, Frontier provides LSR Order Samples. Please also refer to the current version of LSR Business Rules for LSR form/field specific information.

LSR Order Response

Beginning in June 2021, CLECs were required to include the end user 5-digit account passcode, when established, on all residential Wireless Local Number Portability (LNP) orders (aka Port Out).

The PID field is available for population only when:
First position of the Type of Service (TOS) field on the LSR form equals 2 (Residential).
Number Portability Direction (NPDI) field on the LSR form equals C (Wireline to Wireless).

The 5-digit account passcode is required only when the end user has one established for their account. The CLEC is not required to poulate the PID field on the LSR for end user accounts without a 5-digit account passcode.

The LSR will reject upfront if a 5-digit account passcode exists and there is no code on the LSR in the PID field or if there is a mismatch. The reject error message will read “DPI error code 39880, Wireless LNP port out failed PID (Pass Code) validation”. If the code matches or if there is no code established, the LSR will flow through by normal means.

A word of caution: The 4-digit billing PIN, which is visible on the customer’s Frontier bill, is not the correct code for the LSR. The correct code, the 5-digit account passcode, is not visible on the customer’s bill. It is not visible to the representatives in Retail Customer Care.

The end user can obtain the 5-digit account passcode from the Frontier app – myfrontier.com – or they can have Customer Care reset it.

User should verify the information is correct in each field listed in the error (TOS, NC, NCI, SECNCI, SLI) and also verify that the correct telephone number or (NPA NXX) and address has been placed on the order. In many instances an incorrect telephone number will cause this error.

The correct 5-digit account passcode is required in the PID field of the LSR. The passcode is chosen by the end user and must be populated in the PID field for the order to pass validation. If the end user does not know their passcode, they must contact Frontier Customer Service to request a passcode reset.

Beginning in June 2021, CLECs were required to include the end user 5-digit account passcode, when established, on all residential Wireless Local Number Portability (LNP) orders (aka Port Out).

The PID field is available for population only when:
First position of the Type of Service (TOS) field on the LSR form equals 2 (Residential).
Number Portability Direction (NPDI) field on the LSR form equals C (Wireline to Wireless).

The 5-digit account passcode is required only when the end user has one established for their account. The CLEC is not required to poulate the PID field on the LSR for end user accounts without a 5-digit account passcode.

The LSR will reject upfront if a 5-digit account passcode exists and there is no code on the LSR in the PID field or if there is a mismatch. The reject error message will read “DPI error code 39880, Wireless LNP port out failed PID (Pass Code) validation”. If the code matches or if there is no code established, the LSR will flow through by normal means.

A word of caution: The 4-digit billing PIN, which is visible on the customer’s Frontier bill, is not the correct code for the LSR. The correct code, the 5-digit account passcode, is not visible on the customer’s bill. It is not visible to the representatives in Retail Customer Care.

The end user can obtain the 5-digit account passcode from the Frontier app – myfrontier.com – or they can have Customer Care reset it.

The reject message, “Directory listing TN must be a Standalone Directory Listing TN on disconnect.”, means that the specific Listed Telephone Number (LTN) must be a Standalone Directory Listing in order to send the request type (REQTYP JB) and activity (ACT D)combination to disconnect.

To resolve:
Submit a pre-order Directory Listing Inquiry (TXTYP T) which will provide a view of the existing listing data for the specified end user.
The CLEC should supplement (SUP code 1) to cancel the LSR in error.

Note: Be aware that the listing may be part of a voice service which must maintain a listing be it listed, non published or non listed.

The reject message error code 39923, “Invalid PORTED NBR. Phone# 123/456-7890.0 disconnect date is 0000/00/00.”, means that the telephone number (TN) referenced on the reject has already ported out and the account is finalized.
If the TN in error is the only TN on the LSR, the CLEC should cancel (SUP code 1 ) the LSR.
If the TN in error is one of multiple TNs porting, then the TN referenced in the error message may be removed via supplement (SUP code 3).

See Question “How do I supplement a LSR?”

The reject message 39713 “Pending Disconnect on TN 123/456-7890 Due 20230421” means that there is an open disconnect order pending against the porting telephone number which will complete by the due date provided in the error message.

The CLEC may supplement (SUP code 2) the LSR providing a new due date and submit the day after the pending disconnect order is due to complete.

The CLEC may also elect to supplement (SUP code 1) the to cancel the LSR in its entirety.

If the pending disconnect order was placed by the end user through our retail office, the end user may contact customer service to request cancellation of the order.

See Question “How do I supplement a LSR?”

The reject message, “Subscriber Record already exists. ACT N invalid.”, means that a standalone directory listing for the Listed Telephone Number (LTN) on the new directory (REQTYP JB, ACT N) Local Service Request (LSR) already exists in Frontier’s records.

To resolve:
Submit a pre-order Directory Listing Inquiry (TXTYP T) which will provide a view of the existing listing data for the specified end user.
If an existing standalone listing is found and it belongs to the requesting CLEC, then the requesting CLEC should supplement (SUP code 1) the LSR to cancel.
If an existing standalone listing is found and it belongs to CLEC other than the requesting CLEC, then the requesting CLEC may send a LSR to migrate the listings (REQTYP JB, ACT V).

The reject message, “Unable to process request due to open service order S/O:082741010”, means that there is a pending open service order against the telephone number (TN) on the Local Service Request (LSR) Form in the Billing Account Number (BAN1) field.

The pending order is most likely a winback to Frontier. This can be verified by contacting the Local Carrier Services Center (LCSC).

Please see the Contacts and Escalation Lists menu on the left for Local Voice/UNE Service contacts.

Reject message error code 39205, “Field length doesn’t match the declared length.” will be returned any time a specific field on the Local Service Request (LSR) is populated with an invalid quantity of characters.

To resolve the reject, supplement (SUP code 3) the LSR with corrected values populated in the field in error.

The CLEC may also elect to supplement (SUP code 1) to cancel the LSR in its entirety.

See Question “How do I supplement a LSR?”

Reject message error 39223, “Invalid PORTED NBR. Ported Numbers should belong to the same BTN.” means that not all of the porting telephone numbers (TN) provided on the Local Service Request (LSR) belong to the same billing telephone number (BTN).

To resolve:
1) Submit a pre-order Customer Service Record (TXTYP E) as necessary to identify the BTN for each porting TN on the LSR. See Question “How do I submit a CSR inquiry?”
2) Submit a supplement (SUP code 3) to remove any TNs that do not fall under the same BTN (BTN is located in the ‘EATN’ field on the End User (EU) tab of the LSR). See Question “How do I supplement a LSR?”
3) Submit a new LSR for each BTN with the correct corresponding telephone numbers to port.

Reject message error code 39707, “Duplicate Migration Request yyyy/mm/dd”, will be returned when more than one port out (LNP) Local Service Request (LSR) is submitted by the same CCNA.

The CLEC should send a supplemental (SUP code 1) to cancel the duplicate LSR.

Any further porting activity for the account would be pursued on the remaining LSR.

See Question “How do I supplement a LSR?”

The reject message, “Invalid TN 123/456-7890”, means that the telephone number (TN) in the Billing Account Number ‘BAN1’ field on the Local Service Request (LSR) form does not exist in Frontier’s records.

To resolve:
Verify the billing account number and supplement the LSR (SUP code 3) with corrections to the BAN1 field.
If the CLEC verifies the billing account number and still receives this rejection for invalid TN, the LSR should be cancelled (SUP code 1).

See Question “How do I supplement a LSR?”

The reject message, “TN is not CLEC owned – 123/456-7890”, means that the telephone number (TN) provided on the Local Service Request (LSR) is owned or assigned to a Customer Carrier Name Abbreviation (CCNA) different than the one associated with that LSR.

The CCNA might be an additional code owned by the CLEC or the telephone number might belong to another CLEC altogether.

If the requesting CLEC believes they own the TN, please verify the CCNAs associated with your profile. Questions related to CCNAs associated with your profile may be directed to [email protected].
If corrections to the CCNA are necessary, supplement (SUP code 1) to cancel the LSR with incorrect CCNA and submit a new LSR with the correct CCNA.
If the TN is not owned by the CLEC submitting the LSR, supplement (SUP code 1) the cancel the LSR.

The reject message error code 39714, “Pending Change on TN 123/456-7890 Due 20230421”, means that there is an open change order pending against the porting telephone number which will complete by the date provided in the error message.

The CLEC may supplement (SUP code 2) the LSR providing a new due date and submit the day after the pending change order is due to complete.

The CLEC may also elect to supplement (SUP code 1) the to cancel the LSR in its entirety.

If the pending change order was placed by the end user through our retail office, the end user may contact customer service to request changing the due date.

See Question “How do I supplement a LSR?”

Inter Office Facility Shortage

Scheduling – Work Load

Customer Not Ready

End User Not Ready

Provider Missed Appointment

No Access to End User Premise

Central Office Freeze

Special Construction

Natural Disaster (Flood, etc.)

Frame Due Time Cannot Be Met


Assignment Problem

Building Not Ready, Customer Will Advise

Pole At Site Not Set

Entrance Facilities Required

Not Technically Feasible

No Central Office Equipment Available

Other Exchange Company Not Ready

Facility Work Order Pending, No Bona Fide Request (BFR) Required

No Facilities

LSR Ordering Info

Yes. Minimum notice on DD is requested and also on any subsequent DD change SUPs.

Available days for LNP Due Date calculation are Monday through Friday (excluding holidays). Intervals are in business days and the day that the LSR or Sup is received is counted as Day Zero.

For example, if an order is received on Monday, and minimum interval is 3 days, the earliest valid due date is Thursday.

Unless otherwise noted, an LSR received after 5:00 p.m. ET is considered received the next business day. For example, if the order is received Monday at 5:30pm and the minimum interval is 3 days, the earliest valid due date is Friday.

If the order is received Thursday at 5:30pm, and the minimum interval is 3 days, the earliest valid due date is the following Wednesday. Intervals are counted in business days (Monday – Friday). So if an LSR is received at 11:00 a.m. ET Friday, the next available due date is Wednesday for a 10-line port.

Any changes to either the forwarding number or ring cycles are submitted via LSR with ACT (Activity) of C, LNA (Line Activity) of C and FA (Feature Activity) of D and N.

To order Remote Call Forward RCF on an existing POTS account the CLEC must submit orders to disconnect the POTS service and to Connect the telephone number as an RCF service. It is very important that the PONs are related.

This is done by moving the telephone number out of the Central Office to the end user’s new location, removing the RCF feature and programming services as directed on the LSR (much like a new install order.) The LSR order should mirror an order for new service.

The EXP field on the LSR form is populated with Y when the CLEC wishes to expedite the due date of a service request. Please note: Entry in the EXP field does not guarantee a shortened interval.

Business rules place the following restrictions on Expedite Service:
Not available on ACT D (full account disconnect)
Not available on 2nd character TOS = F (data/voice shared)
Not available on CHC A large job or B batch hot cut
Not available on loop regrades LS form CI = E
Not available on Platform DSL orders

Please refer to the Telephone Number Swap job aid.

Line Sharing is provisioned by adding xDSL service to a local loop that is being used for “traditional” voice service. Passive signal filters (or “splitters”) are deployed at each end of the end user’s local loop. The splitter divides the digital and voice-band signals concurrently traveling the local loop. This directs the voice-band signals to the local Central Office and directs the digital traffic to the CLEC co-location equipment which includes a DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer.)

Line Splitting is provisioned by adding xDSL service to a Platform POTS service. Passive signal filters, or “splitters”, are deployed at each end of the end user’s local loop. The splitter divides the digital and voice-band signals concurrently traveling the local loop. This directs the voice-band signals to the local Central Office and directs the digital traffic to a DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer) attached to the packet-switch network.

Line Split is a UNE Loop product. Unlike Line Share service which is billed to the ordering CLEC, Line Split service MRC and NRC charges are billed directly on the terminating telephone number of the Platform account.

To provision Line Splitting, the voice CLEC needs a Wholesale Advantage (Platform) agreement or the data CLEC needs a Line Sharing agreement in the central office where the line is to be split. The end user must be an active Wholesale Platform customer in the serving switch provider.

The End User name is identified in Frontier’s database in the same manner it was submitted in the NAME field on the EU form.

Note: When reviewing Customer Service Records (CSRs) the end user name is preceded by three ***. Frontier uses the asterisks as an internal identifier for Wholesale accounts. Do not include the asterisks on an LSR.

The range is entered into the PORTEDNBR field in the format of NPANXXXXXX-XXXX. When ranging line numbers, a hyphen must be used as a delimiter. The telephone number range must be in ascending order. Please note: The NPQTY must equal the total number of porting telephone numbers.

One order is required to change the End User name on an account. The account name change ordered on a DB/EB-R order is performed at the account level. Therefore, the End User name change will be made on all members of a multiline account.

Two orders are required to change the End User name and modify the directory listings, as well (DB/EB-J to change the directory listing and DB/EB-R to change the End User name)

The account name change ordered on a DB/EB-R order is performed at the account level. Therefore, the End User name change will be made on all members of a multiline account.

Helpful hint: When possible, wait until the BCN for the DB/EB-J order has been received before submitting the DB/EB-R order. This firmly secures the new directory listing and gets Directory Assistance updated.

Two orders are required to change the End User name and modify the directory listings. This is especially important when the account TOS value changes (Res to Bus, Bus to Res). (JB-D to disconnect the directory listing account and JB-N to re-establish the directory listing)

Helpful Hints:
1.The CLEC must wait 24 hours to allow the JB-D to complete and post before submitting the JB-N LSR.
2.Although the End User name is changed on a JB-C, true “new customer” directory functions are not performed. For best results use JB-D and JB-N when the end user is an entirely new customer.

Please see Account Restructure job aid.

Frontier provides the option of LSR status notifications to be provided via email to our local wholesale customers processing LSR order transactions. Registration for the LSR Email Notification option is required via the Connectivity Form available from the Get Connected page on our website.

The end user account will show PLOC is present.

The CLEC should be careful not to publish the Frontier Central Office address as this could cause people to travel to Frontier’s Central Office instead of the local business or residential location.

Suggestions for directory listings can be:
The address of the terminating service (where the calls are forwarded) especially if the intent is to move the TN to that location in the future
List only the locality (city)
Omit the address entirely

Please refer to the LSR Type of Service Codes matrix.

Please refer to the LSR Manual Reject Error Code Matrix.

Please refer to the LSR System Reject Error Code Matrix.

There are Business Rules restrictions that will prevent a PON from being submitted.

1. On a DB-C in the Acquired WV area, when the LTOS 2nd POS is L, an edit informs the you that the only type of Account Structure change is “A” – Auxiliary to Main Line. Any other type of rearrangement is rejected.

2. On DB/EB-C, when LNA = T, an account structure change is not accepted. This prompts you to submit an ACT T to move service, and perhaps a related PON to identify the new structure of lines that are NOT moving.

1 – Cancel a pending request
2 – New desired due date
3 – Other- Any other change to the request not defined by a SUP code 2, 4, 5, 6 or 7. (Excludes REQTYP and CCNA Changes)
4 – CLEC facility modification- i.e. A change to the Cable/Pair or Slot/Shelf values
5 – NC/NCI change
6 – Engineering query request
7 – Network modification charges accepted

Please refer to Centrex Basic Feature chart.

In order for a loop to be eligible for a Line Share Arrangement:
The analog voice-grade POTS service must be provided to the end user by Frontier and must originate from a Frontier central office in the wire center where the Line Share arrangement is being requested
The end user service can be retail or resale
The existing loop must be ADSL capable
The existing service cannot be served by fiber
Existing HSI or Line Share cannot already be in service on the end user service
The xDSL technology deployed by the CLEC must not interfere with the analog voice band transmission

When a line is busy, the caller is forwarded to a pre-determined local or long-distance number. This forwarding arrangement is changed only by LSR.

Call Waiting Compatibility: When programmed on the same line, CW overrides Call Forward Busy unless the called party Cancels the Call Waiting prior to making the outbound call.

Hunting Compatibility: In Series Hunt, CF Busy is added to the last line of the hunt group. In Multiline Hunt, CF Busy is added to the first (pilot) line of the hunt group. Calls are forward when all lines are busy. In Circular Hunt, CF Busy is not compatible.

All calls are forwarded to a pre-determined local or long-distance number. The forwarding is permanent and is changed only by LSR.

When activated*, all calls are forwarded to the number programmed by the end user. This feature is turned on an off by the end user.

When a line does not answer after a pre-determined number of rings, the caller is forwarded to a pre-determined local or long-distance number. This forwarding arrangement is changed only by LSR.

Call Waiting Compatibility: When programmed on the same line, the Call Forward No Answer will forward the caller when the called party ignores the Call Waiting alert.

Hunting Compatibility:
-In Series Hunt, CFNA is added to any line of the hunt group that requires forwarding when not answered.
-In Multiline Hunt DMS100, CFNA is added to the first (pilot) line of the hunt group. Calls are forward when not answered.
-In Multiline Hunt 5ESS, CFNA is added to any line of the group that requires forwarding when not answered.
-In Circular Hunt, CFNA is added to any line of the group that requires forwarding when not answered.

Provided below are the description and purpose of the FID and an example of the value that should be entered. In most cases, the FID is made up of an acronym of the type of forwarding feature, and the phone number to which the calls are forwarded.

/CFN – Call Forward Number (Used with Call Forward Fixed); Example: /CFN 18004354700
/CFNB – Call Forward Number Busy; Example: /CFNB 9524356000
/CFND – Call Forward Number Don’t Answer; Example: /CFND 9524356000
/RCYC – Ringing Cycle; Example: /RCYC 4

Note: An FID is not required when the Call Forward feature is activated by the End User.

LSR Initiator Email Address (as populated on LSR); Other Email Address (as specified on Connectivity Form); Combination of both options

NPQTY 1-50: Minimum Interval 4 Business Days
NPQTY 51-100: Minimum Interval 5 Business Days
NPQTY 101-200: Minimum Interval 6 Business Days
NPQTY > 200: Next Available Due Date/Negotiated

Deny for Non-Payment Same Day (no Future Dates Accepted)

Temporary Suspend (“Seasonal”) – Same Day if LSR received before 3 pm ET, Next Business Day if LSR received after 3 pm ET

Restore – Same Day is LSR received Monday-Friday before 10:30 pm ET or Saturday-Sunday before 10 pm ET; Next Day if LSR received Monday-Friday after 10:30 pm ET or Saturday-Sunday after 10 pm ET NOTE: Next day restore (can be any day of the week, including Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays)

RCF service is not offered when the answering location for a forwarded call is a coin/coinless station.
RCF cannot use DID numbers.
RCF will not be forwarded internationally (except in Acquired WV).
RCF accounts are billed separately.
RCF cannot have vacation service.
Seasonal suspension is not available on RCF services.
RCF terminating telephone numbers/lines may not be equipped with Call Forwarding or Remote Call Forwarding features.
Calling features are not available with RCF.
RCF are not offered Local Calling Plans.
RCF is not represented as suitable for transmission of data.
RCF allows one call forwarded at a time. If additional simultaneous calls are to be forwarded, additional path must be purchased.

Telephone numbers can be swapped only if they are in the same Frontier wire center. If unknown, the assigned wire center is returned on an Address Validation pre-order inquiry.

RCF service is a separately-billed product. If an RCF line is combine-billed with other POTS services, the CLEC may be asked to separate the account from the remaining services prior to the TN Swap.

Please refer to the REQTYP/ACT/LNA Valid Combination Matrix.

Call Forward Busy to a Frontier Voice Mail: When Frontier Voice Mail is on the pilot number and all lines are busy, the caller is forwarded to the voice mail.

Call Forward Busy to a number outside the hunt group: Call forward busy is assigned on a per-hunt group basis and applies to every line in the group. When there are no available lines in a hunt group a caller can be forwarded to a number outside the hunt group.

Call Forward No Answer to an outside number: Call Forward No Answer can be assigned to any line in a hunt group.

Call Forward Variable (Basic): Call forward variable can be placed on any line in a hunt group. When call forward variable on any line in the hunt group is activated, normal hunt sequencing is disabled.

Call Waiting is not compatible with hunting.

The move of a physical termination within the same building. The move may or may not require a dispatch to the customer premise to provision services. Inside moves do not allow for product changes.

The move of a physical termination at a new address. The move may or may not require a dispatch to the customer premise to provision services. The End User may keep the same phone number should the new address reside in the same local serving wire center. The End User will be unable to keep the same phone number should the new address reside in a different local serving wire center. Outside moves allow for product changes.

The AC (Account Structure Change) field is located on the LSR form and offers the following options for account restructuring:
A – Auxiliary line to Main Line
B – Business Service to Residence Service
C – Residence Service to Business Service
D – Coin/PAL Service to Business Service
E – Business Service to Coin/Pal Service

As with Throwbacks, Frontier evaluates CLEC disconnect in error requests on a case-by-case basis. While Frontier will make every effort to work with the CLECs to restore their end user in a timely fashion, the timeframe to restore service may vary from request to request. This is based on Frontier’s ability to recover the facilities and have the resources available to re-establish service.

In the event an end user contacts a Frontier retail representative requesting to cancel an LNP to another service provider, the following steps will be taken to ensure that the service is not interrupted:
SOA subscription associated with the LNP request will be cancelled
Porting CLEC’s LSR will be placed in Jeopardy with notification of end user cancellation request
Service Order will remain in CWA status for 30 days pending Jeopardy response
Porting CLEC has 30 days to submit a SUP 1 to cancel, or a SUP 2 requesting a new due date to reestablish the SOA subscription
This process allows Frontier Communications and our CLEC Customers to work together to ensure that the end user customer has freedom to choose their service provider without any service interruptions.

If the due date returned on the SUP’d PON confirmation is still not suitable the CLEC may call into the Local Carrier Service Center and ask for a due date expedite.

A Frontier associate will validate the PON for EXP = Y and advises CLEC to submit SUP with EXP = Y, if not done. If SUP with EXP=Y has been submitted, the confirmation FOC remarks are read concerning expedite procedures, the associate will perform the manual expedite procedures if they have not already been performed. The associate will advise the CLEC when manual expedite procedures have already been attempted and that the existing due date cannot be changed via Expedite.

When a CLEC requests a return of an end user to the original facilities beyond the 24-hour completion window, or the PON status is BCN Received, the request would be treated as a Winback.

When an end user customer account has an active Local Service Provider Freeze (PLOC), LNP Requests will be rejected with the following message: “Local SVC Provider Freeze in Effect, Not Eligible for migration.”

When the TN is disconnected, the Line Share service is disconnected as well. The Line Share account, however, stays in service until the CLEC submits an order to remove it. Resale line disconnects generate a line loss notification to the Resale provider. If the Line Share provider is a related or the same company they will receive the notice of disconnect. Retail line disconnects do not generate a line loss notification to the Line Share provider.

When the TN is disconnected, the Line Split service along with any billing is disconnected, as well.

A Network Interface Device (NID) is a point of interconnection between Frontier’s facilities and terminal equipment of protective apparatus or wiring at the CLEC/end user’s premises. The NID will be located on the CLEC/end user’s side of the Frontier protector or its equivalent at or near point of entry and is accessible to both Frontier and the CLEC. Only one (1) NID per dial tone line can be installed in a CLEC/end user’s premises. All inside wires, jacks, telephone(s), alarm, meter readings, or other terminal devices must be connected through the NID.

SUP 1 Indicates that the pending order is to be canceled in its entirety. It may be sent at any time prior to completion of the order and the submission will retire the original request. No further action will be required and a FOC will be sent to confirm cancellation of the order.

SUP 2 Indicates that a request for a New Desired Due Date will be specified in the DDD field. The pending order only requires a change of the desired due date. When submitting a supplement to a request, a full refresh of the original LSR is required. Full refresh indicates that all unchanged information on the original request is included on the supplement along with a due date change.

-SUP 2 may be sent only after a Local Response (error or FOC) is received. If a LR (Local Response) was sent on the preceding PON and VER and the order has not been provisioned, then the SUP 2 is a valid request.

-If the order has been completed, the SUP 2 request will be rejected/errored back to the customer and a new LSR will be required to disconnect or change to any previously provisioned service(s).

A request for a change in desired due date in conjunction with other changes to a pending order should be submitted with a “3” in the SUP field. PLEASE NOTE: If the request is to establish a due date less than the due date already provided, the EXP field can be populated. The EXP field should not be populated on an original request unless the APPTRESID is populated.

SUP 3 indicates a change request not defined by the other Sup Codes that result in an update to the initial LSR such as:
Feature addition or deletion
Changes to the quantity of TNs listed i.e. an initial request with 5 lines removing 2 or more
NOTE: A Sup 3 excludes changes to the REQTYP and CCNA and must include remarks in the Remarks field to be populated with changes made to the LSR.

SUP 4 ndicates Facility Modification on Request Types (REQTYPs) AB & BB to change either Shelf and Slot fields or Cable and Pair fields. Please note: if the change request includes a change to the facility assignment(s) in conjunction with other changes to a pending order you must use a SUP 3.

SUP 5 Indicates a change to the NC/NCI codes on Request Types (REQTYPs) AB and BB resulting in a change to the Service Code Modifier.
-Must be submitted prior to receiving confirmation of the order being provisioned
-May include a request to change of Cable and Pair fields to correspond to the new NC/NCI codes
Please note: If the change request includes a change to the NC/NCI field in conjunction with other changes to a pending order you must use a SUP 3.

SUP 6 is a Engineering query request for AB and BB Request Types (REQTYP) only and indicates a request is made to Frontier to furnish an estimate of the cost associated with the routine network modifications required to alleviate a “No Facilities” condition. Upon receipt of a “No Facilities” jeopardy, if you would like Frontier to determine if routine network modification is available and all outline associated charges required to complete a modification, a sup 6 must be submitted. To use this option, a signed TRO must be in place with Frontier.

SUP 7 (Network Modification Charges Accepted) Indicates your acceptance of the estimate received following the submission of a SUP 6 request. Submitting the Sup 7 authorizes Frontier to perform the routine network modifications required to alleviate a “No Facilities” condition and accepts associated charges.

A supplement (SUP) is any new iteration of a Local Service Request (LSR). The entry in the SUP field identifies the reason the supplement is being issued. The LSR will have the same PON number as the original submission, with incremental version.

Restoral is the reactivation of a line that has been suspended when dial tone restored is between the CLEC and their End User.

This type of number port scenario can occur after a Frontier Native telephone number has been ported away from the Frontier network to another service provider. Once the Frontier Native telephone number has been ported away from the Frontier network, a Reseller/ CLEC is not able to provide service to the end user customer via the Frontier Network until the telephone number is returned to the native Frontier network switch.

This is a two-way suspension. With this type of suspension, dial tone is turned off and the end user has no access to the phone line, no outgoing or incoming calls can be made. A standard intercept announcement will be provided on two-way suspension.

There are 2 different types of suspensions. There is a Temporary Suspend which is an End User requested (example: Seasonal Business, or Summer home that does not require service all year). The other is a Denial for non-payment, which is CLEC initiated when their End User fails to submit payment towards their bill.

A TN Swap is the action of replacing an existing telephone number at one location with the telephone number that exists at another location. This action may include a number that must be ported in from another carrier (Return to Native.) The purpose of a TN Swap is to reuse existing facilities for the involved numbers which supports a seamless transition of service.

Throwback is an instance when a CLEC may elect to stop a Hot Cut that is in progress and request to have the end user placed back on original Frontier facilities.

Call forwarding is a calling feature that performs the function of automatically forwarding an incoming call to another phone number. The forward-to number can be a local, long distance, or toll-free number. When the forward-to number is long distance in nature, toll charges apply and are billed to ordering carrier. Some call forward features are programmed by the end user, and some are permanently programmed (fixed) in the switch.

Circular hunting is HNTYP = 3 on the HGI form. In circular hunting calls are distributed “round-robin”. If a call is delivered to line 1, the next call goes to 2, the next to 3, etc. The succession throughout each of the lines continues even if one of the previous lines becomes free. When the end of the hunt group is reached, the hunting starts over at the first line. Lines are only skipped if they are still busy on a previous call.

Expedite service indicates that special treatment regarding the due date of an order is requested, and that any charges generated in provisioning this request (e.g., additional engineering charges or labor charges if applicable) will be accepted by the ordering CLEC.

Expedite Service is premium in nature, is not subject to resale obligations, and is not essential to the CLEC’s provisioning of telecommunications services. The availability and provisioning of services with Expedite Service request is dependent upon Frontier’s available resource and workload limitations at the time the CLEC requests is received. Frontier may limit the number of service orders that can be expedited based on workload and resources available. Frontier reserves the right to suspend the availability of the Expedite Service during unanticipated heavy workload/activity periods. Heavy workload includes any unanticipated volume of work that impacts Frontier’s ability to provide its baseline service. Where time permits, Frontier will make every effort to notify the CLEC when such unanticipated activities occur.

Hunting is an optional feature available on two or more access lines. Hunting lines are arranged to allow incoming calls to overflow to an available line instead of experiencing a busy condition.

Line Share is an arrangement where a CLEC provides high speed Internet service on a Frontier-switched Retail or Resale POTS (copper) line. The CLEC bills the end user for the HSI service. In a Line Share Arrangement, Frontier provides the voice service and the CLEC provides the data service. As a result, the CLEC is responsible for providing the splitter, or in some areas my lease it from Frontier. The CLEC is also responsible for providing its own Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM) in a collocation arrangement with Frontier, and for providing or arranging for any CPE that may be required at the end user premises for the data service.

Line Split is an arrangement where a CLEC provides high speed Internet service on an unbundled voice service subscriber loop (Platform POTS.) The Line Split service is billed on the Platform end user account. Therefore, the Platform provider pays Frontier for the Platform UNE POTS and the Line Split service. Data uses the higher frequency ranges and voice the lower frequencies of the same line to split the technology into a shared line. Each CLEC provider merely employs different analog frequencies for transporting voice and data on the line. One splitter is installed at the end user premises and a second one at the central office. The splitters permit xDSL service to be added to the Platform loop so that Line Splitting can be provisioned.

Multiline Hunting is HNTYP = 4 on the HGI form. An incoming call starts at the number that was dialed and proceeds through the group’s members until an idle line is found. If the last line in the series is busy the caller will receive a busy signal.

Field Identifiers, or FIDs, are entered in the FEATURE DETAIL field to assist with programming the call forward feature. The FID identifies the “fixed” phone number to which calls are forwarded when Frontier is responsible to program it.

When ordering a Call Forward feature that requires a pre-determined number to be programmed in the Frontier switch, populate a FID the FEATURE DETAIL field.
All FIDs are preceded by a virgule [/].
Local numbers must contain 10 digits [9524356000]
Toll-free and long-distance numbers must be 1 followed by a 10-digit number [19524356000]

Preferential Hunting is HNTYP=1 on the HGI form. This allows the numbers in the hunt list to have a preferred hunting arrangement and an alternate arrangement in the event the numbers in the preferred arrangement are busy in a multi-line hunt group.

Remote Call Forwarding (RCF) is a local exchange service that uses central office facilities instead of those at an end user address to provide service to a local telephone number. All incoming calls are automatically forwarded to another telephone number of the end user’s choice.

When disconnecting the BTN of an account, you must provide clear direction on how to handle the remaining TNs with respect to the providing the New BTN; Directory Listing Changes; Hunting Instructions and Operator Intercept. This can be accomplished on a single PON as follows:

LSR Form:
ACT = C;
AC field = A (Aux to Main);
ATN = the WTN that becomes the new BTN Important!;
LNA = D on the BTN to be disconnected;
LNA = Z on the WTN that becomes the new BTN;
LNA = Z on all remaining phone numbers to be billed with the new BTN.
The PON will reject if you don’t account for all the members of the existing account.

Optional Forms:
-HGI Form is not required when disconnecting a line(s.) It can be populated, at your discretion. When not populated, the hunt sequence is recalculated without the disconnected line(s.)
-DL Form is not required when disconnecting a line(s.) Additionally, it is not possible to add a new LML (main listing) on a DL form. You can use RTY = LAM to advise how the new WTN should be listed.

When the BTN-to-WTN billing structure of the account will not be the same as the existing account after the account is migrated- the number in the EATN field is the existing account BTN, but the number in the ATN field displays the number that will become the new account BTN.

LSR Form:
ACT = V;
AC field = A (Aux to Main);
ATN = the WTN that becomes the new BTN Important!;
EATN = the BTN of the existing account;
LNA V on all existing numbers the new install number (new BTN);
LNA D on any TN to be disconnected; LNA N on any new line installations.
Optional Forms:
-HGI Form is required when a hunting is requested on the migration.
-DL Form is required when you choose to provide the listings for the migrated account (ELT E, P.) When ELT = A, the DL form is not required. The listings on the accounts will remain as they are, even if that means the only line with a listing is a WTN and not the new BTN.

When submitting a supplement to a request, a full refresh of the original LSR is required. A full refresh indicates that all unchanged information on the original request is included on the supplement along with changed information. It is important to note supplement requests may impact/change the original due date assigned to the initial order(s). Meaning, the new due date could be later than originally requested.

When the BTN is disconnected, and a brand-new line becomes the new BTN, you must instruct that the new line becomes the new BTN by placing the newly installed number in the ATN field. LSR Form:
ACT = C;
AC field = A (Aux to Main);
ATN = the WTN that becomes the new BTN Important!;
LNA N on the new install number (new BTN); LNA D on the BTN to be disconnected;
LNA Z on all remaining phone numbers to be billed with the new BTN.
The PON will reject if you don’t account for all the members of the existing account.

Optional Forms:
-HGI Form is not required when disconnecting a line(s.) It can be populated, at your discretion. When not populated, the hunt sequence is recalculated without the disconnected line(s.)
-DL Form is not required when disconnecting a line(s.) Additionally, it is not possible to add a new LML (main listing) on a DL form. You can use RTY = LAM to advise how the new WTN should be listed.

Sequential Hunting is HNTYP = 2 on the HGI form. In Sequential/Rotary/Series Hunting calls start at the number that was dialed and proceeds through the remaining lines within the series. If the last line in the series is busy, the caller will receive a busy signal. Note: The term “sequential” does not refer to sequential numbers.

When the EXP=Y procedures described in the Expedite Order Activity section of this document do not result in an agreeable due date, the CLEC may choose to escalate the order. Refer to the Escalation contacts page on the Frontier Wholesale website.

Frontier limits the number of LNUMs or Telephone Numbers on one PON to 99.

If an LNP Request has been rejected for active PLOC and the CLEC has reason to believe the reject is in error, please Email the Local Carrier Services Support (LCSS) at: [email protected] with the following information: PON, Telephone Number Porting, Retail Confirmation Number for PLOC Freeze Removal and Date End User Customer Contacted Retail Group.

The following process identifies and establishes guidelines for reversing a hot cut. The request to reverse a hot cut is referred to as a Throwback.

Frontier supports the following Throwback scenarios:
The Hot Cut or Number Porting is in progress and the CLEC requests a throwback of the service.
The Hot Cut or Number Porting order has been completed and the request to throwback is received within 24 hours of completion. (The PON status is PCN received; Throwback cannot be performed when the PON status of a PON or related PON is BCN Received.)

When a CLEC submits a SUP 1 request to cancel the LSR, or a SUP 2 request to change the due date of the LSR, or a SUP 3 request to make other changes: the request is submitted on the confirmed due date, the supplement must be accurately submitted and received by Frontier no later than 5:00 p.m. ET.

Verbal notification to the LCSC is strongly recommended.

Notification to the LCSC will ensure that all order actions that have begun on the due date are cancelled, thus preventing any unwanted service interruption to the end user customer. Contact Information: Frontier LCSC: 888 608-8023

To lessen the time it takes to manually process large ports, Frontier requests that CLECs enter sequential numbers as a range in the PORTEDNBR field on the NP form of the LSR on multi-line ports. Please note: The NPQTY must equal the total number of porting telephone numbers.

Circular Hunting is an enhancement to Directory Number Hunting. Rather than stopping at the last directory number in the hunt group, hunting continues in linear sequence until it reaches the dialed directory number. As an example, in a six-member hunt group, if a call is placed to the third directory number, hunting starts at the dialed directory number and continues to the fourth, fifth and sixth directory numbers and then continues to the first and second directory numbers. If no idle number is found, the calling party will hear a busy signal or the call will go into the CLEC provided voice mail service.

Each member of the hunt is assigned a discreet directory number and hunting can start with any of those numbers. Hunting continues in linear sequence until the last member of the hunt group is reached. As an example, in a six-member hunt group, if a call is placed to the third directory number, hunting starts at the dialed directory number and continues to the fourth, fifth and sixth directory numbers. Hunting stops at the sixth directory number. If no idle number is found, the calling party will hear a busy signal or the call will go into the CLEC provided voice mail service. Please note: Directory Number Hunting is also known as ‘Secretarial Hunting’ and they are provisioned in the same manner.

There is one published number and all hunting begins at this number. Hunting continues in linear sequence until the end of hunt group is reached. If no idle number is found, the calling party will hear a busy signal, or the call will go into the CLEC provided voice mail service. Members of the hunt group may or may not have their own directory number. Please note: Calls placed to any directory number other than the pilot number will not result in hunting.

LR – Local Response/Confirmation (FOC)
ERROR – Error/Reject Notification
JEOPARDY – Jeopardy Notification
LSRPCM – Provisioning Completion Notice (PCN)
LSRBCM – Billing Completion Notice (BCN)

When a call is made to a number that is RCF to another number, caller ID does not display the “caller’s” number on the telephone at the final destination of the call. Caller ID delivers the RCF telephone number.

The following restrictions and limitations apply to hunting:
The 2nd character TOS must be A.
Only the HGI form is required to order hunting.
FEATURE codes are not required on the RS/PS form.
Lines in hunt must be “owned” by the same end user.
Hunting lines should be combined billed. However, when lines must hunt between multiple TN’s (separately billed) it can be done as long as the End User name is the same, and the TNs work at the same address. Each separately billed account will require a separate LSR.
Hunting is allowed on lines with the same residential or business classification. Residential lines can hunt to residential lines. Business lines can hunt to business lines. Residential lines cannot hunt to business lines, and vice versa.
If a hunting TOS is on the LSR, but the LSR does not involve hunting arrangements, the LSR is subject to rejection.
Please note: In a DMS100 Switch subscribers with more than five lines/telephone numbers that are arranged using Call Forward Busy and Call Forward No Answer must subscribe to Hunting Service.

Step 1: The winning Reseller/CLEC will process a Return to Native LSR to Frontier requesting either Resale or Wholesale Platform service for the returning telephone number(s) with all necessary fields populated. The minimum due date interval available for this type of request is 5 business days. Please note: The LSR Remarks field must include the authorizing party (name and contact) for business accounts/TOS 1st character = 1.

Step 2: Frontier will process an LSR to the losing CLEC for LNP of the telephone number(s) included on the Return to Native request. Please note: Winning CLEC may opt to submit the LNP request to the losing CLEC. In that situation, please add note to the Remarks field on the Return to Native LSR: ‘LNP Request Completed’.

Step 3: Frontier will provide confirmation on the Return to Native LSR to the winning CLEC

Step 4: If the requested due date cannot be honored as a result of a delay by the losing CLEC, Frontier will send a Jeopardy notification on the Return to Native LSR.

Please refer to the LNP Troubleshooting and Trigger Guide.

To change the End User name on the account utilize Request Type (REQTYP) DB or EB, with Activity (ACT) R.

REQTYP DB, ACT = V, Note: Conversion to new product SMB changes from Resale to Platform

REQTYP EB, ACT = C, Note: Change an existing Account SMB doesn’t change

REQTYP PB, ACT = V, Note: Conversion to new product SMB changes from Platform to Resale

REQTYP DB, ACT = C, Note: Change an existing Account SMB doesn’t change

REQTYP PB, ACT = C, Note: Change an existing Account SMB doesn’t change

REQTYP DB, ACT = V, Note: Conversion to new product SMB changes from Resale to Platform

REQTYP PB, ACT = C, Note: Change an existing Account SMB doesn’t change

REQTYP DB, ACT = C, Note: Change an existing Account SMB doesn’t change

REQTYP EB, ACT = V, Note: Conversion to new product SMB changes from Platform to Resale

The LSR Status Email Notification subject line will include the status type and the PON of the impacted Local Service Request (LSR). The subject line will also contain a message to check the OSS system for details. No additional information will be provided in the body of the status email notification. Once the LSR Status Email Notification is received, the user may log in to the Virtual Front Office (VFO) to view the new status details.

The LCSS will review the end user customer account notes and order:

-If request of PLOC Freeze removal request can be confirmed, the LCSS will escalate to the retail group to remove the PLOC freeze. Once complete, the LCSS will reply advising the CLEC can resubmit PON.

-If request of PLOC Freeze removal request cannot be confirmed, the LCSS will reply advising CLEC that the end user customer must contact the retail group to request the removal of the PLOC (Local Service Provider Freeze).

To ensure that more than one incoming call is forwarded at the same time, multiple paths of Remote Call Forwarding may be purchased where available. Each additional path of RCF is a chargeable item. The USOC for additional paths may or may not be different than the initial RCF code. Please refer to the feature code matrices on the website for availability

Frontier defines an LNP project as an LNP request above 20 non simple telephone numbers. Frontier requires a Project ID for ports larger than 20 non simple telephone numbers or when a range of sequential numbers is used in the PORTEDNBR field on the NP form of the LSR.

The CLEC should submit a SUP with EXP=Y requesting a new (sooner) due date once they receive confirmation on their initial request. When the confirmation FOC is returned, review the date and any remarks about Expedite procedures. When manual expedite procedures are followed Frontier includes them on the SUP confirmation.

NOTE: Frontier does not use EXP=Y in determining due date on initial LSR submission. On an initial PON, Frontier’s automation system assigns the next available due date when the desired due date is not available.

To assist with validating accuracy of LSRs for resale or wholesale platform services, Frontier provides the LSR Validation Job Aid for Resale and Wholesale Platform.

The Project ID is alphanumeric created by the CLEC.

Resale Remote Call Forward is available in most Frontier service areas. However, the way it is supplied may vary among tariffs. Please refer to the feature code matrices for availability.

A Project ID is entered in the PROJECT field of the LSR Administration Form of the LSR. In addition to the PROJECT field, the PROJINDR (Project Indicator) field is populated with a value of C (customer provided project).

Business rules allow the AC field to be completed only on REQTYP DB and EB, with ACT C or V. Therefore, you can… Rearrange or restructure an account when migrating a Resale or Platform account, or Rearrange the billing structure within an existing account.

In either case, an account restructure may involve adding a new line, or disconnecting one.

Remote Call Forwarding is entitled to a Directory Listing. The initial LSR installation order will include directory listing information to establish a LN, NL or NP listing for the RCF telephone number. The directory listing profile on a Remote Call Forward account is classified as business. The printed listing will default to the business section of a phone book. Directory Assistance will release the listing when the caller asks for a business listing.

For a complete list of Voice/UNE references, please visit the Local References Library. To access references that contain territory specific information for the Acquired West Virginia, Connecticut, Frontier 13 and Legacy service territories, please visit the respective territory page.

LSR Order Samples, by product, are available from the Voice/UNE pages.

Please visit the LSR Business Rules page for a full complement of LSR Business Rule documents and Local bonded technical specifications.

For existing accounts, please utilize the Customer Service Record inquiry pre-order transaction to identify the current TOS. Frontier provides TOS information in the LSR Business Rules and also via the LSR Type of Service Codes job aid available from the Local Reference Library.


Please refer to the E9-1-1 Activation Process Guide.

Please refer to the E9-1-1 reference.

Yes, it is available in the Access Reference Library.