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Regulated Collocation Initial Application

*Denotes Required Field

Requestor Information

Is this request for Regulated Collocation?

If request is for Regulated Collocation, CPCN or relevant state authorization is required.

If your request is not for Regulated Collocation, please discontinue this form and refer to the Edge Colocation Location Assessment Process available from the Assessment and Ordering page in the Edge Colocation menu above.

Wholesale Customer Information

Customer Primary Collocation Contact

Customer Primary Billing Contact

Who should receive any pre-completion invoice(s)?

Collocation Usage

Usage Type

Select All that Apply

Desired Collocation Information

8 Character CLLI

Type of Arrangement * (See Requirements Below)

Cage Type (Required for WV) *
Cage Type (Required for WV) *
Cage Type (Required for WV) *
Cage Type (Required for WV) *
CCOE Option (WV Only)


- Traditional Physical (InterState - FCC) - Minimum 100 Sq. Ft.

- Traditional Physical (IntraState) - Minimum 25 Sq. Ft.

- Virtual (InterState - FCC) - Number of 1/4 Relay Racks/Bays

- Virtual (IntraState) - Number of 1/4 Relay Racks/Bays

- Virtual (ICA) - Number of 1/4 Relay Racks/Bays

- SCOPE - Number of Relay Racks/Bays

- CCOE - Number of Relay Racks/Bays

- Cageless - Number of Relay Racks/Bays

- Caged - Minimum 25 Sq. Ft.

Space Requirements

Is non-contiguous space acceptable?

Shared/Subleased Space Details

For this type of arrangement, you must provide the name(s) of the Guest CLEC(s) and the amount of space that is to be allocated to each Guest CLEC.


Detailed Power Requirements

Maximum 5 Power Configurations per Form

The CLEC is responsible to engineer the power consumption required at the collocation arrangement and is responsible for taking into consideration any special circumstances in determining drain/load and fuse size of the feed.

Provide the total number of “A” feeds and/or the total number of “B” feeds for each type of collocation request. Indicate the requested drain/load per feed and the fuse size per feed.

Fused capacity shall not exceed 2.5 times the CLEC specified load per feed. (Frontier bills for DC power in accordance with the applicable tariff provision.) Drain/load per feed must be expressed in whole numbers and not fractions.

When ordering multiple power feeds, please indicate each feed’s requirement separately. (Example: Feed Requirement 1:2 – “A” feeds, each with 20 amps drain/load per feed and each feed fused at 30 amps; and 2 “B” feeds, each with 20 amps drain/load per feed and each feed fused at 30 amps. Feed Requirement 2: 1 “A” feed, with 10 amps drain/load and fused at 15 amps; and 1 “B” feed, with 10 amps drain/load and fused at 15 amps.)

Fusing at 2.5 times load may not be possible in all cases based on the CLEC specified load. In those situations, the CLEC must determine whether to choose a fuse size that is less than 2.5 times load or increase its load in order to conform to the industry fuse sizes.

Joint coordination may be required to identify applicable power feeds. Frontier must approve all drain/load or fusing changes to existing power cables. Please note all applicable tariff/interconnection agreement rates and augment intervals will apply for an increase in fuse or drain size that requires new cabling.

Power Configuration 1

Type of Power Request:

AC Power Requirements

Number of Dedicated 20 AMP Circuits to be Provided for Requestor’s Equipment

DC Power Requirements

Power Configuration 2

Type of Power Request:

AC Power Requirements

Number of Dedicated 20 AMP Circuits to be Provided for Requestor’s Equipment

DC Power Requirements

Power Configuration 3

Type of Power Request:

AC Power Requirements

Number of Dedicated 20 AMP Circuits to be Provided for Requestor’s Equipment

DC Power Requirements

Power Configuration 4

Type of Power Request:

AC Power Requirements

Number of Dedicated 20 AMP Circuits to be Provided for Requestor’s Equipment

DC Power Requirements

Power Configuration 5

Type of Power Request:

AC Power Requirements

Number of Dedicated 20 AMP Circuits to be Provided for Requestor’s Equipment

DC Power Requirements

Equipment Specifications

Equipment Specifications Section 1

Must include rack dimensions.

Fully Loaded

Ultimate Heat Release

In AMPS for 48 Volt DC

Are Spacers Required?
Do you have additional Equipment Specifications for this request?

Equipment Specifications Section 2

Must include rack dimensions.

Fully Loaded

Ultimate Heat Release

In AMPS for 48 Volt DC

Are Spacers Required?
Do you have additional Equipment Specifications for this request?

Equipment Specifications Section 3

Must include rack dimensions.

Fully Loaded

Ultimate Heat Release

In AMPS for 48 Volt DC

Are Spacers Required?
Do you have additional Equipment Specifications for this request?

Equipment Specifications Section 4

Must include rack dimensions.

Fully Loaded

Ultimate Heat Release

In AMPS for 48 Volt DC

Are Spacers Required?
Do you have additional Equipment Specifications for this request?

Equipment Specifications Section 5

Must include rack dimensions.

Fully Loaded

Ultimate Heat Release

In AMPS for 48 Volt DC

Are Spacers Required?
Do you have additional Equipment Specifications for this request?

Equipment Specifications Section 6

Must include rack dimensions.

Fully Loaded

Ultimate Heat Release

In AMPS for 48 Volt DC

Are Spacers Required?
Do you have additional Equipment Specifications for this request?

Equipment Specifications Section 7

Must include rack dimensions.

Fully Loaded

Ultimate Heat Release

In AMPS for 48 Volt DC

Are Spacers Required?
Do you have additional Equipment Specifications for this request?

Equipment Specifications Section 8

Must include rack dimensions.

Fully Loaded

Ultimate Heat Release

In AMPS for 48 Volt DC

Are Spacers Required?
Do you have additional Equipment Specifications for this request?

Equipment Specifications Section 9

Must include rack dimensions.

Fully Loaded

Ultimate Heat Release

In AMPS for 48 Volt DC

Are Spacers Required?
Do you have additional Equipment Specifications for this request?

Equipment Specifications Section 10

Must include rack dimensions.

Fully Loaded

Ultimate Heat Release

In AMPS for 48 Volt DC

Are Spacers Required?

NEBS Conformance

Is this the first time submitting for conformance?
Are entrance facilities being requested?

Entrance Facility Information

Lease Fiber from Competitive Access Transport Terminal (CATT) Provider Details

CATT Provider LOA is required for this request!

Cable Details

Feeder Cable

(12, 24)

Riser Cable

(12, 24)

Cable Characteristics

Cable Information

Provide detailed information on the desired direction from where the cable originates or desired Manhole “0” locations (s):

Has the right of way or the licensing agreement been established (e.g. conduit)?
Is a diverse route entry requested? *

Customer’s Vendor Selection

For which areas of installation will vendors be utilized? *

Engineering Vendor

Outside Plant (Cable Placement) Vendor

Outside Plant (Cable Splicing) Vendor

Equipment Installation Vendor

Riser Cable Installation Vendor

Cage Construction Vendor

Terminations (CFA)

Types of Terminations: *
BITS Timing Cabling:
Line Sharing Option: *
Will Frontier Install? *

List of Plug-In Cards

Plug-In Card Contact

Plug-In Cards Section 1

If more than 10, add another section below.

Plug-In Card 1 of Section 1

Plug-In Card 2 of Section 1

Plug-In Card 3 of Section 1

Plug-In Card 4 of Section 1

Plug-In Card 5 of Section 1

Plug-In Card 6 of Section 1

Plug-In Card 7 of Section 1

Plug-In Card 8 of Section 1

Plug-In Card 9 of Section 1

Plug-In Card 10 of Section 1

Do you have more Plug-In (Cards) for this request?

Plug-In Cards Section 2

Plug-In Card 1 of Section 2

Plug-In Card 2 of Section 2

Plug-In Card 3 of Section 2

Plug-In Card 4 of Section 2

Plug-In Card 5 of Section 2

Plug-In Card 6 of Section 2

Plug-In Card 7 of Section 2

Plug-In Card 8 of Section 2

Plug-In Card 9 of Section 2

Plug-In Card 10 of Section 2

Do you have more Plug-In (Cards) for this request?

Plug-In Cards Section 3

Plug-In Card 1 of Section 3

Plug-In Card 2 of Section 3

Plug-In Card 3 of Section 3

Plug-In Card 4 of Section 3

Plug-In Card 5 of Section 3

Plug-In Card 6 of Section 3

Plug-In Card 7 of Section 3

Plug-In Card 8 of Section 3

Plug-In Card 9 of Section 3

Plug-In Card 10 of Section 3

Do you have more Plug-In (Cards) for this request?

Plug-In Cards Section 4

Plug-In Card 1 of Section 4

Plug-In Card 2 of Section 4

Plug-In Card 3 of Section 4

Plug-In Card 4 of Section 4

Plug-In Card 5 of Section 4

Plug-In Card 6 of Section 4

Plug-In Card 7 of Section 4

Plug-In Card 8 of Section 4

Plug-In Card 9 of Section 4

Plug-In Card 10 of Section 4

Do you have more Plug-In (Cards) for this request?

Plug-In Cards Section 5

Plug-In Card 1 of Section 5

Plug-In Card 2 of Section 5

Plug-In Card 3 of Section 5

Plug-In Card 4 of Section 5

Plug-In Card 5 of Section 5

Plug-In Card 6 of Section 5

Plug-In Card 7 of Section 5

Plug-In Card 8 of Section 5

Plug-In Card 9 of Section 5

Plug-In Card 10 of Section 5

Certificate of Insurance

A Certificate of Insurance must be provided for all new sites prior to occupancy.
Certificate Insurance Provided by: *

Please provide explanation of request.